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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. Ray YOUR BAITS LOOK GREAT BUD!!! Outstanding for your first paint job.. way better than my first! KEEP IT UP!! The rookie
  2. Looks good tucker. well you know what I mean.. I got one just like it in the Lure Professor box purdy close to that color. The Rookie
  3. Cool thought Dave... But I use a Straw to paint.. I think if I tried that trick I would hang myself. Whenever I free hand a straight line.. I get a paper towel out and practice like a golfer does before he hits a ball. It does 2 things.. it helps me make sure my gun and paint is flowing good which creates 90 percent of the errors when your painting detail lines.. and it builds memory in my hand and brain to give me confidence before I shoot ... you kinda get in a groove once you get the hang of it..but taping it off is the catch all for no errors. Most guys like to turn down the pressure on fine lines I think.... I tend to turn my pressure up! and move my hand SUPER FAST and never stop.. once you start your line you must commit to it. Just like golf... Dont stop your CLUB!!!!! Just GRIP AND RIP!!!
  4. Ray.. tape is the best way to shoot straight fine lines.. some guys have that kind of control.. i can do it from time to time too.. but it's usually 2 out 10 look good.. 95 percent of the time if I'm putting a fine gold latter line across the bait.. I tape it off.. that way if your gun fails you didnt screw it up and you can keep going over it again and again.. I like Purple painter's tape over blue painters tape... it's not as tacky. you want more cool effects with tape.. RIP IT!!! and use the edge of the tape rips to create some cool effects.. Spary the tape not the bait! or just right on the edge.. 90 percent of artwork is tecniques ..tricks.. bells and whistles... The real artist is the one that figured out the trick! It's kinda like magic.. once you know the trick you can preform it too!
  5. VINCE I will give you 25 bucks for it and flip it ebay for 125.00! But that as high as im going.. you kept the monkey too long this time and IM TICKED!!!! I miss him. Nice work bud. The Rookie
  6. It kinda reminds me of all my old girlfriends.... if you drop the pipe! YOU DA MAN JT! Thanks for the baits again. Got them yesterday.
  7. Gator has always had this infactuation with glitter.. I would compare it to the MAN CRUSH Chris Matthews from HARDBALL has on President Obama. He just can't fish without it. It started at a early age. First a glitter blanky, then a glitter pasy and then at his wedding he got a glitter toaster.. years later he asked the wife for a glitter floor.... TV remote.. glitter glitter everywhere... From what I could see gator was doing very very light coats with DN. So maybe just a couple more coats and he would have achieved the level of depth he was lookin for with DN.. I was going to suggest maybe not using the glitter at all.. but then I thought about how would Gator react ":oooh:" ":pissed:"":boo:" ok ok keep the glitter on your baits.. Hopefully Dick will send me a invoice for my sample after I PM'ed him and I will pay him.. cause nobody should ever expect something for free unless its GLITTER LOVE!!! right Charlie!! and even then sometimes you have to pay a cover charge and give a DOLLAR!
  8. Dick.. I have heard great things about your product.. so I really hope Charlie comes over just so I can finally try it. In the past I have spoke to you over the phone with attempts to order some DN clear coat.. You were very very nice and told me to send you a email. But for some reason my email system thinks Im sending you spam and it never gets to you.. It's my fault for never bringing this to your attention. So in no way am I trying to disprove the durability of your product and more than likely Im not going to do some huge test...other than sparying some of your clear and fishing them to see how they hold up..I kinda already know how they hold up because I have fished Dean's baits and the durability is OUTSTANDING!!!.. It's just easier for me to go to my local automotive supply shop and buy the current clear coat I use and I have been very happy with the results as well. I hope my first post did not come across that way. If so Im very very sorry. I really want to try it and now that I know my friend Charlie has it. I can kill 2 birds with one spary. I will clear his baits and a couple of my baits.. From all the great things I hear about DN Im sure it will be a success. The Rookie
  9. I talked to the manager at my local Walmart yesterday and he said they should have more of the Scale Masking mesh in stock after "Fetish" week in Kentucky. Apprently they under estimate the movement some have even compared it to WOODSTOCK! Seems it's so big all the Walmarts across the US had to move their mesh inventory to Lexington.. He did tell me everything would get back to normal in a few weeks.. WOOHOO! that's a relief! The Rookie
  10. THINNER IS BETTER THAN THICKER!! well in paint that is... Its harder to get thin clear off a bait than thick.. THICK CHIPS EASIER!!! goes against want you think.. Charlie.. bring your baits over when your done and we both can clear them. I want to try DN anyway.. I got some other stuff too so we can really see which is the best.. call it a trial and error test. I agree with bob on the Factory finish. THINNER!!! The Rookie
  11. Pete's frog's come for the land down under.... where women swarm to him and men wonder!!! CAN YOU HEAR.. CAN YOU HEAR HIS THUNDER!!!! YOU BETTER RUN YOU BETTER TAKE COVER!! NICE JOB PETE!!!
  13. Walmart is in STOCK now I was just their!!!
  14. How many people are on this board.. I would suggest if you want to paint them.. use.. water base paint.. I painted a school board once with emron paint and the very next fall they had to vote and get a brand new school board... I sure wouldnt sand the board..people general oppose to being sanded unless they have a sick mind like Capsully18... He might actually wear some pany hose and enjoy the whole process..... OH YEAH!!! MY NAME IS THE ROOKIE and I stayed all night at THE DAISY DUKE INN last night! PAINTNG IS FUN AND IF YOU DONT HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! YOUR NOT GOING TO LIKE ME! Some on here dont and tend to take this manual labor serious! HERE IS WHAT I WOULD TELL YOU IF I WAS A MR. KNOW IT ALL!!! SEAL YOUR WOOD WITH MINWAX SPAR URETHENE let dry for 24 hours SAND WITH 150 GRIT PAPER SEAL IT AGAIN WITH MINWAX SAND IT AGAIN maybe higher grit like 220.. keep doing those steps and increasing your grit until your hands fall off.. then.. SEAL IT ONE MORE TIME and paint...that is how I would try it.. but like I said Im a rookie... and really dont have a clue if the advice Im giving you is correct.. I just wanted to have some fun cause lately TU has been VERY VERY BORING READING MATERIAL at night.. Maybe this will spice things up a bite.... more than likely someone with a TON OF EXPERIENCE will chim in with the correct information.. as for the board your about to paint... TELL'em TATER SAID HI!!! :tipsy:and DONT PASS THE HEALTH CARE BILL:pissed: THE UN-AMERICAN ASTRO TURF TOWN HALL PAINTER!!!
  15. John, whenever this happens to me.. I dust the bait first with tiny base coat white or black auto air paint.. then I use createx..... then take a hair dryer too it.. DUST IT as in very very light amout of paint.. dry it.. dust it again.. dry it... dust it one more time.. dry it.. then start to paint your pattern.. your bulding up a base in small amounts or layers that your new paint will stick too and this could help your spider..plus it will dry out any mositure so your paint will not run.. I dont use a mositure trap.. I should.. but I usually just work around it.. all my guns are connected direct to my compressor and I empty the water out of it once or twice per month.... I dont really have a clue if this will work or not for you but it helps me... You might have tried it already. But that is what I do when that happens to me. IF ALL ELSE FAILS.. just go with it.. and call it spider shad.. That is what I do when I cant fix some kind of problem.. just make them think you ment to do that and go with it! As for my tiny shad dots MR. MCCLAIN... YOU HAVE ROOM TO TALK.. at least I know my compressor is bigger than yours! David.. I was going to come see you and go fishing this fall.. I might have to rethink that visit after your post! I like to wear pany hose when I fish... they keep my legs warm! The Rookie
  16. SOME OF THEM ARE YOURS!!!! Believe it or not...
  18. Wood.. Free to 50 bucks..depend on what you have.. Paint... 50 to 1,000 dollars..if you want alot of color options Compressor.. 100 to 300 dollars. Drill Press... 100 to 300 bucks Airbrush... 25 to 400 dollars Hobby knife...5 dollars 30 min epoxy to seal wood.. 3.95 Sander.. 100 bucks Dremmel 60 bucks Lexan 30 bucks. RTV RUBBER. 200 dollars Resin 100 dollars Sand paper, gloves, and paper towels.. 100 dollars. Selling a lure on ebay and getting some money for it! VERY VERY HELPFUL! Catching a fish on something you made.... PRICELESS!
  19. I GOT SOME ADVICE that will save all you DIPSTICKS money!!! MCDONALDS STRAW... :DSorry I could resist that layup. To each his own.. 99 percent of the crap sold in stores is junk now a days anyway!.. Sometimes you can get a good one or a bad one from the same company..depends on the luck of the draw..but this is just my cocky opinion so dont beat me up on it or I will come over to your house and open up a can of WHIP BUTT ON YOU!!! Expect you PETE your too dam far!!!. For the record I purchased 2 small compressors at home depot and lowes when I first started.. both ran all the time and were very very loud... but back then I was painting about 10 to 15 hours per day. anyway... I blew the motor's up in about 2 months on each one.. Then I purchased IWATA's Airbrush Compressor.. dont remember the model..but later found out it was ment for CAKES not Lures.. So more money wasted. Once I moved my work space out in the garage.. I purchased a 33 gallon 150 psi Craftsman from Sears for about 300 bucks and hooked up 6 guns to it. My compressor kicks on for about 3 mins and is very loud for a short period of time..but once it fills up. NO NOSIE..expect for loud Radio rockin to Captin and Tennille "LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER!":o...but then I can paint a good hour or so in quiet.. and the way I taught myself to paint.. I like 60 PSI and move my hand really fast while I paint so I need the airflow. Dean and I have talked about this same subject in the past...and he is very satisfied with his TINY LITTLE SMALL PACKAGE! and some do fine using their SMALL TINY LITTLE Stuff with amazing performance and no complaints from the wife!................."LONG DRAMATIC PAUSE"..................but! MY WIFE SAID "GO BIGGER BABY!!! AND KEEP IT QUIET so you dont wake up the kids!" So I purchased an upgrade with powerful airflow and longer lasting stamina! So my advice to you is...Do whatever makes your wife happy! AND!!!! NEVER TAKE THIS CRAP TOO SERIOUS.. FISHING IS FUN.. and LURE MAKING IS FUN.. if you can't have fun in life your already dead! The Rookie.

    Walking Bait

    Kazan... LOVE THE BAIT bud.. I love all your work too.. That bone color kills them.. I wouldnt paint it either.
  21. Have you ever painted a bait and said.. it looks good but it needs something else.. then you do that something else.. and you say.. WHY DID I DO THAT!!! then you keep messin with it for hours and hours and hours.. and you actually start to believe it's cool again.. Or it could just be you worked on it so dam long that you say " I LOVE IT!" and it grows on you. Well this is an original because I WILL NEVER PAINT THIS PATTERN ever again.. First the red then I outlined the red with black all in all it took me 2 days to paint. I had to take alot of breaks..

    Rat Bait

    NICE WORK BUD!! Very nice work.. Keep them coming! The Rookie
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