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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. Love it too John! Outstanding work like you always do..Call me anytime bud!!! no biggie.. get that honey do list done first!!! or you will be in the doghouse like me most of the time. Matt
  2. Actually I painted this bait purdy fast! It turned out better than most of my stuff does in a rush! Thought I would share it. TIP!!! OLD TIPS!!! Yes that is the TIP!! use old tips.. that splatter your paint.. over spary is your friend not your enemy! Just run with it and see where it takes you! The Rookie
  3. nice lookin bait bud!!! glad your back too!!!
  4. NICE WORK AS ALWAYS DINO!!! Is the back.. blue and grey...or black and pearl white..
  5. Lexan Diemai... Cut it out with a band saw... then I take a dremel to it... then I cut grooves in the tail with a hobby knife.. Dean I always hear you... but most of the time I dont listen!!!
  6. I HAVE A DUMB QUESTIONS!!! But was EPOXY DESIGNED TO BE A CLEAR COAT!!! Or was it DESIGNED TO BE A GLUE? Seems to me like its marketed on the package to be a GLUE not a Clear coat! My perfect clear coat....would be... The customer is happy with his purchase and buys more lures after the old ones wear out! That is the perfect clear coat... Good enough to last for customer satisfaction.. but not so good that they never need new lures!!! Lucky Craft has made millions off this very concept!!! This is the million dollar question all of us are going to keep asking? What is the best clear coat out their for my baits!!!...GUESS WHAT GUYS!! WATER BREAKS DOWN ANYTHING OVER TIME!!! THATS THE FACT JACK!!! If you want your baits to LAST FOREVER!!! DONT FISH THEM!!!!
  7. Dino asked me to post this in the Gallery.. Thanks for looking. Matt
  8. Cool pics.. Charlie.. I might use them as reference to paint a bait if you dont mind.... I really dont care if you do mind.. come over and stop me!!!! you know where I live...
  9. Dude those are cool!!!
  10. Cool man.. It was funny.. No harm done..I can take it.... I do have a ego that needs to be smacked around to level me out from time to time.. I never lacked much confidence to try something different in life. Remember I sold insurance before I did this!!!! You have to have thick skin in that business too!!! However, I dont want come across as a guy with a big ego.. (TATER's CELL PHONE RINGING IN THE BACKGROUND)... Hold on... Im getting a phone call from the President.. brb..."NO GEORGE!!, NO ITS NOT DONE YET!!! I know you been waiting for 8 months now!!.. I will tell Tater to hurry up!!!! Dont worry you will get a hotter lookin Hoochiemomma than Coach Knight did!!!" RELAX BABY!!! Tater will take care of you!!!" bsflag.gif (8.7 KB) ok ok where was I... oh yeah...I like to say Im very passionate about my work and I really care what others think about it.. I hope everyone else feels the same way about their work too! All of us should have a great sense of pride in what we are doing. Even if nobody else likes it or if they are willing to give you 200 bucks for it!.. "Wall of SHAME"(1), Wall of FAME!! or a Hot lookin Hoochie with a busted lip!! 1. Mark P's. line!!! The Rookie
  11. I just want to hold the US FLAG as I walk out in LA!! Lower Alabama... butt naked with a sign saying! I will paint your bait for SKOAL!!!
  12. Casper the BROWN Ghost.. is what I call it! 1. Transparent brown.. 2. Gem Jade.. Dont know if Im right Charlie..... Only guessing... But I think the Jade will give you the Green and Gold your looking for with the brown!!! Im really just feeding you a line of crap that I think will work I really havent ever tried it!!! ! Im not 100 percent sure!!! More like 50/50.. but you might come up with a new color you like even better in the long run!!! AYU 1. Green 2. Gold 3. Brown Layers! until you get the Greenish gold browish look your lookin for... if that doesnt work.. bring your bait over and we can figure it out together.. The Rookie
  13. Hey CHEESE!! NICE ONE!!!! dont know what I did to you to make you say that.. but it was funny even at my expense. If you cant laugh at yourself who can you laugh at!! Skeeter I was just cuttin up with you... I hope you took it that way.. Thanks for making me aware of bulletproof Lexan.. I only posted this thread because I was suprized.. .. You learn something new everyday.. and I still have alot to learn.. The Rookie
  14. HEY EVERYONE!!! SUCK IT UP A DEAL!!! Jerry if you want to shortin my post for rambling.. I believe it has been coming for sometime.. I been ramblin on for my entire life.. Just like the feather in Forrest Gump... Flyin in the wind.. Where will it lay.. WHATS MY DESTINY MOMMA???? Where is my life going?..... Speakin of Life.. When did money get so freakin tight?.. Gas has been high every since Katrina!!!.. If the news media said.. HEY EVERYONE!! LIFE IS GREAT!! Oh BOMB US is PRESIDENT!!!! SPEND YOUR MONEY!!! I think most of america would! I got the same money I had last year! NONE!! IM FREAKIN BROKE!!! I BEEN BROKE FOR 37 YEARS! I will be BROKE for 37 more!! I BUY LURES! I MAKE LURES!!! SELL LURES!!! AND GUESS WHAT!! I take the money and BUY MORE FREAKIN supplies to make more lures!!!! Why?.. because Im doing my PART TO KEEP THIS COUNTRY GOING!!! Yall watch to much TV and listen to the media tell you that your broke and the economy is going down hill fast! STOP SAVING YOUR MONEY and start spending it.. THAT WILL JUMP START the economy faster than anything!! Go over to EBAY right now and PURCHASE YOURSELF a Custom MADE TATER HOG FISHING LURE!!! Where our motto is..."If they aint bitin YOU SUCK:p!!!!!!" Or you can get a TATER HOG Hat! Maybe try out a Tater Hog Hoochiemomma! :yes:Everyone needs a hot lookin hoochiemomma on the lake with them! Or Check out my new line of Chocolate's coming to a Walmart near you!!!! Yes yes.. Life's like a box of Hog Chocolate.. you never know which one my wife left for you to get:D... Sorry..she cant help herself! God knows she needs help.. She married me! As for PIKEMAN! I will pay your TU FEE:twocents:!!!.... JERRY!....Im on the HOOK FOR PIKEMAN!! WE HAVE IT ON RECORD!!! Send me the INVOICE! ! All I have to do is paint 2 baits... write some stupid story with bad typo's and GET some late night drunk to buy it! I should have the money in 7 days! As for the SELF PROMOTION above.. BITE ME!! Im just having fun. Something I believe a few of yall lack!!! FISHING IS FUN!!! MAKING BAITS IS FUN!!!! CUTTIN UP ON A FORUM IS FUN!!!! I've been on this site for 2 years now.. I PAID MY DUES!!!..to Jerry!!!! (PLEASE HOLD THAT CHECK a FEW MORE WEEKS!!).. I never say much of nothing that makes sense. But for once! I will get serious and try!!! (LEE GREENWOOD PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND as the ROOKIE DROPS KNOWLEDGE!!).... Most of yall are too darn serious 95 percent of the time. ( GO BROTHER TATER!!! GO!!!!) Even me from time to time.. I cant name when I was actually serious..(WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW Im FREE!!!) ... but I think I could have been once if the doctor hadn't drop me on my head at child birth!!!! (TO THE HILLS OF TENNESSEE)!!! They way I see it!!!! YOU ONLY NEED 2 COLOR's TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF LIFE or any situation!! BLACK AND WHITE! It is what it is.... and always will be until THE MAN changes it!!! Whoever THE MAN is... Stop messing with all the grey life brings you and RELAX!!! Pay or dont pay! (YES IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW IM FREE)... Live by this motto and simplify your horrible exsists..(DEAN DID I SPELL EXSISTS RIGHT!!) oh yeah the motto.... "YOU LIVE!!!!! YOU DIE!!!!! Everything in the middle is BS! Once you figure out nobody really knows what they are doing in life. The easier your life gets!!! Makes me feel good just knowing their are other people out their as DUMB AS me!!!! Some are even dummier!!! Most people just want to tell you what they think is right or how you should do it..! Or say...I tried that once and the CRAP BLEW UP IN MY FACE!!!! which basically is nothing more than saying.. IM FULL OF CRAP!! But I got more experience with this crap than you....And since I been messing with crap longer... I believe my crap is better than your crap!!! Because I know my crap works now.. I went through alot a crap to figure it out!!!! All of us are taking someone else's old crap(THE GUY THAT INVENTED THE FISHING LURE) and trying to make the crap better. or maybe their crap doesnt work at all so they ask someone that knows how to fix crap? MY POINT!!! I know I have one... Hopefully if I keep rambling I will finally get to it.... oh yeah my point is.. "EVERYONE IS FULL OF CRAP!" ENJOY THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO READ THIS CRAP!!! Your not paying for the crap on the site... Your paying Jerry for the time it takes to keep this crap up and running!!! And believe me their's a whole lot of crap going on here!!! Look at the freaking BRIGHT SIDE!!! What if nobody talked about their CRAP!!! Then we wouldnt have crap to read! I would rather pay to read this crap!!! Than buy a paper and read the crap the media is telling us!!! Just my crappy opinion! THE ROOKIE!
  15. First wood now your talkin about TAIL.. Dave is right!
  16. Hey Dean What Do You Like To Seal Your Wood With?
  17. "Yes Mark, you and Bill nailed it. If you're not deriving satisfaction from meeting the various challenges that building original lures demands, then you need to find another way to spend that time!" Dean "LIKE DRINKING BEER!! SELLING AMWAY!!! and CHASIN HOT MOM's that LOVE CASEY KANE at TARGET" THE ROOKIE
  18. I have a friend that knows a guy in Japan..that has a Tackle Store.. He sells us 10 or 15 packs at a time and I use them on Cranks that I can't put Ed and Lisa's eyes in!! .... Most of the eyes I use are on my hand made lures are from Ed and Lisa... I use them on my Swimbaits too! Like the guy above said.. you can make a socket for the eye... BUY FROM ED AND LISA FIRST!!! You get way more eyes for the money!! They are super NICE!! And their eyes are REALISTIC as they get!!! PLUS if you buy from ED.. LISA has some more spending money!!!
  19. I never knew Bill could Carve!! you learn something new everyday!
  20. HEY SKEETER I WILL PAY FOR THE 1/16 thick Lexan your taking about if you have the guts to stand behind it while I shoot!!! "Are you sure its bullet proof!":D:D:D:D What's the last thing a redneck says before he dies!!! "HEY YALL WATCH THIS!!!"
  21. Actone... Never tried it!!! Now I know! My best screw up trying to strip paint! I put a lure with rubbing Alcohol in my wife;s sonic jelwery cleaner!! I thought those sonic waves combined with the alcohol would strip it back to a pefect blank... But ding dong here forgot the Sonic Cleaner was made out of plastic and I had to buy my wife a New Jewlery cleaner!!... I did give myself a A for imagnation! I really thought it would work!!! The Rookie
  22. LOL!!! BOB I have been wasting the last 30 mins thinkin about crap I could do with a pen!!! The list was too long to post!!! But for the record.. I ment Micron PEN!!! You can buy one at HOBBY Lobby for about 2.47 cent!!! not a Micron Iwata... If I could use a Micron IWATA to sign my name that small.. The last thing I would paint is fishing lures!!
  23. Guys Im more sure its LEXAN now!!! It was solid hit... David is right.. I SMACK THE ROCKS HARD!! I was more happy my bait didnt have any chips or marks on the lure!!! IM GIVING THIS BAIT TO DEAN ANYWAY!!!! LOL!!.. .The lip was a easy fix.. Yall know Im not chemist! Im buying LEXAN with WHITE AND ORANGE Plastic sheet BACKING!! What grade is WHITE AND ORANGE!!! Do they have a BLACK AND BLUE GRADE!!! White and Orange sounded sissy right from the START!!! It was a CLEAN BREAK VOKAMAN!! LOOKed LIKE A SNAP!! I guess I will take a picture if this happens again!!! I already replaced it and its good to go back to the water... ITS all MIKEY's FAULT!! He turned on his dam Radio BUCKET right when I was castin! Yall have to see this new thing my boy Mikey invented. REMEMBER THE TRUCK LURE!! YEP SAME GUY!!!! He put a freakin Car RADIO into a 5 gallon bucket!!! I SWEAR I DONT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!! The crazy thing is.. He wants me to sell it on ebay!!! and I actually think someone will buy it!!! He said "you can take it anywhere!!! GOLFING... FISHING... HUNTING.. well wait a min.. nope huntin might not be that great of idea Matt!! etc etc...!!! " And it has this neat handle!!! Those were his exact words!! I will post a picture of it SOON!! WORDS JUST CANT EXPLAIN MIKEY's RADIO BUCKET!! or the boys MIND!!! We got to get Mikey a REALITY SHOW!!!! Remember that movie ED TV!!! MIKEY WOULD BE PERFECT!!! Thanks for the help on the LEXAN DEAL!!! BLACKJACK MIGHT BE RIGHT!!! because the break was near the end where the glue and clear coat would contact the lip just outside of the slot! Maybe the chemicals made the lip weak!!! but I did hit the rocks HARD!! I think it was a perfect hit too!! At least were not talking about EPOXY!!!! OR DN!!!!
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