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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. And I thought my lures looked MEAN!!!!!! THAT IS SICK MAN!!! SICK!!! OUTSTANDING WORK MY FRIEND!!! IF YOU DONT CATCH ANY FISH WITH IT!!! You will scare them to the surface and you can dip them up with a net!!! or better yet they will JUMP in the boat!
  2. 10 mins... no way.. that lure took me a good 2 or 3 hours.. I had to find my sandpaper.. 30 mins to find it.. find my can of bulldog.. another 30 mins.. find my primer.... find the soap to wash off the scuff dust... Call Dean up and shoot the breeze for another hour or so... Listen to you show me how great adding glitter to a lure makes it look when your COLOR BLIND!!!! Then clean out my all my guns.. find my paint to put in the guns.. another 30 mins... all in all I had alot of time in that gill... you just saw the easy part!!!! SHOOTIN THE PAINT!!! I still have to write a Tater Hog Story so someone will buy it.. They dont pay me for the lure they pay me for the uncanny ability to write and misspell words on purpose! If they paid me for the paid job I would BE BROKE!!! WAIT!!!! I AM BROKE!!!
  3. PM Blades he is the Laquer expert. and more than likely the best guy to ask on this subject.. he might chim in on this thread. But he is helpful if you ask him directly. The Rookie
  4. Since its a topwater lure... I would paint it ALL BLACK!!!! and fish it...
  5. Been working on this suspending swimbait for a few weeks now.. finally got around to paintin it up...
  8. Don if you really want to make a lure and dont want to use wood...try resin plastics!!! You can mold your own.. Basically you carve your first lure out of wood...weight it...seal it... test it.. and if it works and you like it... Mold it with RTV RUBBER!! then you mix up your resin plastic and in about 5 to 15 mins you will have casted a lure exactly like the wooden one.. Lots of guys on here are doing it right now.. The key is make sure it works before you spend the money molding it... Its not very hard...if I can do anyone can!..but I had alot of good friends that help me along the way!!! Only cost me a Monkey and 25 bucks!.. PM me if you need help. The Rookie
  9. Bite you manhood...and head over to the fabric department at Walmart... Maybe you will get lucky and have a hot chick named Martha to help you out... or Bertha... either or my guess is they will be AARP members... whatever you do..dont joke around with them.. they take their fabrics SERIOUS!!!! ask them to break out the good stuff and you will find the netting your lookin for.. I like to go around 12am that way nobody see's me buying FABRIC!!!! Oh yeah you can buy a whole lot of fabric for 5 bucks.. Even make yourself a dip net when your done!!! Or fish net hose for your wife... whatever shoots your imagination! The Rookie


    JT.. thats one of the best looking baits I have seen that you have painted! All your stuff is outstanding as you already know and this one might not be your favorite... but this is my fav! Just a repaint my butt!!! The Rookie
  11. That Lavender or basically a fancy pants word for LIGHT PURPLE better be mine... SUCKER!!!!
  12. Just dont take a bath! keeps them away!! Is it June yet!!! Im goin GREEN and conservin energy...
  13. ITS HORRIBLE!!!! JUST HORRIBLE.... YOU ATE ALL THE CHOCOLATE CHERRIES!!! THAT IS JUST WRONG!!!! Did you think I was lookin at your lure... How can I look at your lure when you got CHOCOLATE CHERRY BOX... LOOKING AT ME!!! The lure is outstanding for your first paint job... Im just complaining about your background choice... If you want to make it up to me.. Send me some Chocolate Cherries and all is forgiven!! Tater Hog Custom Lures PO BOX 6080 Concord, NC 28027 Make sure you wrap them on Dry Ice... I hate getting melted Chocolate!!! Oh yeah I need them by Friday Im havin company over!
  14. Hey Gator... Come over next week.. one I should finally have your baits done... 2... I will have you paintin a bluegill in no time!! It very easy to paint all you do is shoot through stencils and screens.... Next thing you know.. you got a blue gill... or pumpkin seed or shellcracker.. or bream... The Rookie
  15. Heat up your lures before you apply epoxy.. does 2 things.. takes out the bubbles because your putting it on thinner... plus you can spread it a whole lot easier!! it will spread like melted butter!!! if it start to get really sticky and hard to spread... Heat it up some more.. Just not too much or you will get holes in the first coat... you will know what I mean the next day... if that happens.. To fix that.. scuff the lure with 1,000 or 1,200 grit sand paper very lightly and reapply another coat! Also if your used baits have some hook rash that hasnt broke the clear yet.. you can do the rescuff and apply a 2nd coat to fix the hook marks! Bait will look brand new after you done and you dont have to repaint them. The Rookie
  16. Heck no Bruce.. not mad at all... PB was right.. should be in the docks.. Im just never at the docks so I posted it where I hang out... Yall know Im easy going if I ever post something at wrong spot.. just move or delete.. Now if you ever move my squirrel roaster to the DOCKS!!! THEMS FIGHTIN WORDS!!!! The Rookie
  17. Move it to the docks Jerry! Dont want to upset the locals.
  18. I got this request in my email today.. thought I would share it with my buddies on TU.. ya'll can use it next time someone asks you how much you charge to paint or make a bait!!! DEAR Tater, Wanted to see if you take request for specific color schemes and if so what the price range and turnaround time would be. I fish local tournaments up here in PA and am looking for someone like yourself with awesome talent to hopefully hook me up. Let me know if your interested and I can send you some photos. Tater's reply: OH THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD!!! Dear maybe if your not cheap or tight or your wife lets you future possible customer, First I need to size you up so I can see how much money I can get out of your pockets... TATER's KIDS NEED TO EAT YOU's know! If'n yous a DOC!! 50 bucks per lure.. Lawyer.... 150 bucks per lure Dentist... 25 bucks per lure.. cause I need a check up! Work for Exxon or any other oil company!.... $5,000 per lure. None of the above.. Have your wife call me first!
  19. Sick paint job and bad to bone lure... as always Kelly.. Lunch is still on me whenever your ready to go! The Rookie
  20. Cullins.. I just do it the old fashion way with elbow grease and sand paper.. 400 grit gives the lip a cool homemade lookin feel!!! That way you dont damage the lip with crazy chemicals... chemicals strippers weaken the plastic... I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE!!! You should see my personal tacklebox.. its full of them!!!
  21. Man bass that's sick work!!!! Love the flames.
  22. Nice job Claye... Welcome to the club!!! I dig the back color.. is it pinkish purple... its a FUNKY MONKEY!!
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