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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. We need a new photo gallery!!! hot chicks fishing gallery!
  2. DONT GET ME EXCITED TALKING ABOUT EYE CANDY BABES!! DINO.... Those are just fishing lures... WHERE ARE THE WOMEN!!! THE NASSEE SHAD!!! PHOTO's.. I know you got them... SUCKER...
  3. Hey mark why do you have screws hangin out the side of it....LOL!!! When I first looked at it.. I thought the screws where on the bait..... Nice looking bait bud!! I bet its even cooler in the water..... Upload some video on youtube.. so we can check it out.. The rookie
  4. Thanks KC!!! Oh yeah JC.. sorry I went off into another world.. Im really A. D. D.... yes you have to add weight to get it to work... Start off adding weight to the head.. ... put your first hook screw eye near the back end of the head picece.. Dont know why but I remember Fat or Dean telling me to do this when I was doing my project..anyway it does work better because I still had to see what it would do if I didnt!!! LOL!! I add 2 weights to my head.. 1/4 oz in the belly laying horizontal.. and 1/4 oz near the front vertical that is a good starting point.. dont know why i did it that way other than to say it swims better that way.. but who knows what yours will do it will be a different shape altogether.. I have got it to run with one weight but it's alot more balanced with 2 weights in different postions on the head . but that is trial and error.. I still mess around with different new casted piceces all the time to get different action from the same design.. I have a wake design.. slow sinking.. fast sinking... etc... now after you get weight in the head.. weight the middle picece too if your making a 3 picece bait like I did.. my last hook screw eye is on the tail picece and I connect my tail at the end of the lure with 2 more hook screw eyes so that gives it weight.. the main reason its nice to cast a mold is you can experiment with lots and lots of parts without havin to carve it again and again or fix all the drill holes you put into your first wooden design..sometimes you make a crapy lure and come back to it months later only to find out you figured out how to get it to run after you made a new lure similar to the old crapy one you never thought would work.... you can always sand on a molded part if it doesnt work and remold it when you get it working good.. you also want to experiment with the length you drill the screw eyes into the picece... Science has alot to do with it.. but usually creative people are well creative.. they dont think... they just do.. and I never was much on science... if it works woohooo... if not they try again. or CALL DEAN!! He can fix any lure that doesnt run right.. expect swimbaits he hates SWIMBAITS!!! (inside joke) my guess is old dean could fix a truck lure if I needed him too.... but in general.. I tried to get a design that looks like the shape of a fish.. If it looks like a fish.. Im willing to bet you can get it to swim.... Good Luck PM if you need help. Im no expert by any means.. But I enjoy getting them to work more than painting them.. thats the fun part.. Paintin is a job now..
  5. Jc.. I started out by carving the whole lure.. then... I just said... I think I will cut it here.. then I said.. I think i might just cut the tail here.. I didnt measure a darn thing.. didnt have clue what size I wanted to carve it when I started.. I just watche tv and carved some wood.. when I was done it was 7 1/2 inches long broken up in three sections. .. Then I tested the balsa blank with some weight but not the same weight I used for my molded bait because balas is... is.... is.... HEY DEAN whats the big word everyone uses..... BOYAH!!! no that's the dude from ESPN... BOY YANT!! Boy yant see sexy!! LOL anyway.... i basically put less weight in my casted lures than in my original balsa swimbait.. After I saw it moved in the water.. I was like.. WOW!! if it moves.. a fish will eat it.. .. GLIDDERS MOVE FUNNY.... FISH EAT THEM.. Spoons move FUNNY.. FISH eat them... A wacky worm moves wacky and it wins at NORMAN!! ANYTHING IN THE LAKE THAT MOVES!! A Fish will eat.. I had a fish bite my toe once...and it was just sittin their mind its own business.. Im glad I wasnt wigglin all 5... who knows how many bites I might have got.. ok ok.. im having fun.. My point is.. JUST TRY GREEN EGGS and HAM.. Dont read the book .. get a few swimbaits and look at the design... THEN GIVE IT A HI HO try.. You learn a whole more by DOING than by thinkin or readin about how to do it..I didnt read a thing about how to do it. I just did the trail and error.. I did look at the hinges of alot of swimbaits and I went with the hinge style to connect my bait together... Now if your the techy kinda guy.. ask Vokaman.. he can draw one up on a cad program for you .. but believe me... If I can make a swimbait.. anyone can!! Im about as dopey as they get!!! Here is a happy customer.. So I guess the darn thing worked!! Even if I can't spell buoyancy!!... OK OK.. I got this picture other day so Im showing it off! wish the fish in Norman were this big...
  6. Cullins I just use worm weights.. you can cut them smash them do whatever you want to the.. any weight will work.. TUBE WORM WEIGHTS.. 1/16 1/8 1/4 ... you will use those the most.. everynow and them 1/2... but mostly 1/8 and 1/16...
  7. You can tack rag ..if you do clear the lure and get some dust on it next day... take a 1000 grit sand paper.. lightly sand out the git.. or dust and reclear...
  8. HECK NO!!! I just grab some paint and paint the bait.. Some of my best work is paintin.. now if Im doing Real Life Patterns like crappie bass or a FREAKING Bluegill... bream.. pimpkin seed.. shellcracker... HOW MANY MORE NAMES CAN I CALL A BLUEGILL.. POPCorn Shrimp... Lemon Pepper shrimp.. Shrimp Cocktail... RUN FORREST RUN!!! Anyway.. Lifelike patterns I look at alot of pictures on the net and try to match the colors... But the real fun stuff is grabing colors that shouldnt go together and making them work!!! That's whats fun.. Any way.. Just take the bait and paint it bro... YOUR WASTING TIME... Its gettin warmer and the fish are bitin..!!!
  9. YOU BETTER BRING YOUR (A) GAME!! KENTUCKY BOY!!! Cause your lure is not crapy material!!!
  10. Your not going to win Dean!!!! You said the best crappie lure!!! or how its pronounce see ated in the Tarheel state "THE BEST CRAPY!!! LURE!!" I GOT A MILLION CRAPY LURES!! you should know your fixin one of them right now!!! GOT CATCHA!!! YOU SUCKER YOU!!!
  11. Cool stuff my man.... Cool stuff! Keep up the good work.. You can use epoxy like David said.. but I dont use devcon to keep my weights in the wood.. I use Epoxy putty.. Got that tip from Fatfingers.. Heck that would be a good thread.. what is the best stuff to keep your balls in:eek:.. !!.. epoxy...epoxy putty.. or TOOTHPASTE!!!! dont laugh but I fill nail pops with toothpaste if Im too lazy to go to lowes and get the good stuff.. It actually works for door trim.... dont think it would work on fishing lures.... REDNECK FIX IT TIP of the week..!!! Now if you do use toothpaste.. dont blame me if it doesnt work.. you might not be using the correct toothpaste... Its 12:35 AM and I been smellin paint all day long. So my mind is not actually focused on the thread at hand! But now I promise you will get some replies... Welcome to the board good luck with your lure swimbait flat crank majig! The Rookie "Its not how deep you fish.. its how you wiggle your worm"
  12. Doug.. I swear... your stuff is so amazing!!! I wish I could paint fins like you do!!! I would ask how you do it... but I think I already know.. LOTS AND LOTS OF PRACTICE and just flat out SKILLS with the gun!!!!!! You da man!!!
  13. DEAN!!! Way to hold the fish out away from your body!!! Makes it look bigger and your body smaller!!! However chicks do dig BIG HAWGS!!! show that one to Susan!!!..or is the long ball....I dont know how she puts up with your impeckable realisum towards the inept willingness to cheer for a losing Kentucky team!! Sorry Dean Im high again.. I know that makes no sense what so ever!!! But please note I tried to use big words!! Just not as big as your FISH YOU SUCKER!!!!!! Did Boone create Mikey's lure!!! You catch a fish on every cast!!! Oh yeah one more thing Mr. Lure advisor... Did I spell M PECK ABLE right!!
  14. I want 25!!!! could you get them to me by Friday!
  15. My boy Joe at the paint store told me those resins have a releasing agent that is on the bait.. me and fatfingers have had this same discussion many times... He believes the resin should cure for up to 1 to 3 weeks.. just like epoxy.. OH BOY here we go with more epoxy questions.. LOL!! anyway.. I use soap and water..then Simple Green... wash the lure before I scuff it.... But I also use epoxy to fill the small pin holes left over by the mold after I wash and scuff it..then I paint it...You really need to use a vaccum before you pour your RTV rubber when castin your mold.. I believe that is where the pin holes are coming from!! HOLY CRAP BATMAN!! IM STARTING TO TAKE OVER VOKAMAN's PLACE as an informative post!!!!! This doesnt sound like one of my normal post.. screw this crap!!! THE REDS GAME IS ON AND IM LAYING IN FRONT OF THE TV FOR 3 hours.. If your waitin on baits.. SORRY!!! TATER TV TIME!! " Just freaking wash the plastic with something in your house.. if it peals call Dean!!" their that's more like it!!! The Rookie
  16. OH MY!!!! WOW!!! Vince this is your best paint job yet!!! Tell your brother to move over!!! That is outstanding.. I like what you did with the back!!!! Call me I dont have your number!!! I lost it again as usually!! Just pm it!!! So I have it saved.. I been selling Dean's number on ebay for 5 bucks!!! Might as well have a 2nd choice for guys that Dean hangs up on!!! He hates telemarketers!
  17. No rush on the shrimp... Pete my boy!!! Transformer!!! I like it... Maybe we could make a Lego's Lure!!! Change the color by the lego's!!! Hey Dean!! Lego's lure another 5 bucks idea!!! What am I up to 2,000 now....
  18. Dont use epoxy.. Dont use Dick Nites.. Dont use Auto Clear.. Dont use clear at all... Be a freaking man and paint the sucker without a clear coat!!! WE DONT CARE ABOUT QUALITY were MEN!!!!! The only quality we want is a eye candy wife... Great food on the table and control of the remote to HDTV!!!.....And to fish whenever we want!!! SO JUST GO TO DAM LAKE AND FISH YOUR LURE PATTERN!! IF you have a good day on one.. Paint it again and go fishing tommorrow!!! then you will never have to worry about CLEAR COATS EVER AGAIN!!! All you have to do is repaint your bait every day and paintin it is the only fun part of the whole dam job!!!! But think about the money you just saved!!! ON CLEAR AND LURE BODIES!!! 1 lure... 1 million pattern possiblities!!! See their is always a way around any problem... THE MAN RULE!!!! "JUST DUCK TAPE IT AND GO!!!" p.s.. Im never serious on any subject!!! Welcome to TU!!! THE ROOKIE The Rookie
  19. Wook... I purchased 2 smaller compressors that were for Airbrush use only.. and in 6 months.. broke both of them. they never stopped running.. then I went to Sear's like Palmetto said.. and got a Craftsman.. Mine is bigger however.. mainly because I wanted it use shop tools too... but I hooked my airguns up to it.. 33 gallon 150 psi.. it only kicks on 3 or 4 times per day... runs about 2 mins each time.. Most of the time when Im painting you never hear the motor!!! because it takes a long time for the take to empty down to 120 psi before it kicks on again with a 33 gallon tank! The less the motor runs the longer it will last in my opinion. Just make sure you empty out the air tank 1 or 2 times per week.. water will build up in the tank and it will rust You dont have to go to the extreme and buy a 33 gallon tank.. but believe it or not the big compressors are not as loud as you might think they would be.. Hope this helps.. The Rookie..
  20. Iwata HP-BCS .50 mm tip. that is what I use. I dont like my expensive gun.. I used it 2 twice and put it back in the fancy case it came in.. but I might actually take RJ advice and check out the Micron... Since he has 8 Iwata.. and found something better... Thanks RJ.. NOW IM GOING TO SPEND 350 more DOLLARS!!! will I ever see a PROFIT!!! The ROOKIE!!!
  21. Just call the lure. "Cany Red Apple Fire Tiger Perch" or you could just shortin it to Craft P... as in Crafty!!.. GET IT CRAFT P!... oh well.. Its a stretch.. best I can do vince.. My mind is shot.. I just did my taxes..
  22. Thanks guys but PMS SHAD said you can still "BITE ME"!!!
  23. IM A D D !!! Ask me any question.. I will forget you asked me in about 30 seconds... what are we talkin about again!!
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