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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. Killer bait Bob... love it..
  2. Vince... Did you test it in the COW Troth!! yet... if you need some current flow.. just get out a leaf blower out!!! Hurricane force winds.. if you would really like to walk on the WILD SIDE!!! Heat the water up with a torch blower... ask your wife to come in the Garage for a Romatic evening in your brand new REDNECK SPA!!! Pay the neighbor kid 5 bucks and have him hold the leaf blower and add some dish soap!! CALGONE TAKE ME AWAY!!!.. Who knows maybe later yall can do the weeweechu!!!! ...NOW GO READ THE CHRISTMAS POST and you will get this joke!!! Matt oh yeah... I love your bait...bud.. perfect like always...
  3. Bob what is the ratio on the mix to thin out the epoxy... I tried it once and didnt have much success with it.. It was a nightmare.
  4. Hot temps screw up your paint... keep it cool and your lures will be COOL!
  5. Merry Christmas.. happy new year!!! READ THIS ITS FUNNY!!!! A good friend of mine forward it to me.. I thought it was funny. One beautiful December evening Pedro and his girlfriend Rosita were sitting by the side of the ocean. It was a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu." Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita. Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged. "But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita. Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me." Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu." Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang..... "Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year." MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! NOW GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER....
  6. River man!!! I bought a test tank this weekend!!! Cow Troff from tractor supply.. 109 bucks!!! I was testing at my neighbors pool but worried about hookin his liner!!! IT WORKS GUYS!!! the test tank... you just need a small pole.. like a kiddie pole from Walmart!!! maybe a scooby do pole or spiderman... something tuff!!! like that!!!
  7. PETE!!!! THAT LURE IS SICK!!!! man.. Im with Fat on this one... The lure is so cool you need to put sunglasses on him.
  8. I told Dean about this lure on the phone today!!! A guy asked me to do a big wake bait... He SAID BIG!!! SO I WENT BIG!!!! For the record Dean O.. their is not come on BESSY with the lure!!! It runs like a good HOT ROD should..expect for those ones on blocks in KY... Thanks for all your help with my new projects!! Your a GIVER!!! The best thing I took from TU wasnt the information!! Its new friendships!! Merry Christmas!!! GO HOOSIERS BEAT UK!!!!
  9. What you guys dont have those machines in your garage!! LOL Thanks LaPala.. very cool man.. I want to go over their now and take the tour and see it live!!!!
  11. Rick.. I win some on ebay that are very similar.. you can find some actually LUCKY CRAFT EYES on their from time to time but they are rare.. but I really like the ACTIVE LASER EYES!!! you have to order them from Japan sellers!! GOOD LUCK!!
  12. Just Kidding Hazmail.. I always like your post bud... Matt 36 live in CONCORD, NC.. I feel as if Im a giver in life and a taker of advice. However all the advice I took was given to me by some great people! Thanks TU!! you guys are the best. If you would like to ask me something I dont mind to give you my opinion or advice or a tip or two I have learned.. if I dont know the answer.. I got Dean's PHONE NUMBER!!! we can call him and bug the crap out of him at 4am!!! if his not up.. we will call FAT!!!
  13. Dang!!! I WAS ABOUT TO POST BUT THE POST KILLER JUST BEAT ME TO IT!!! guess this is over!!!! oh well.
  14. IWATA.... IWATA.... I WATa.... I WANT A..... IWATA!!!! GET THE HP- Eclipse BCS.... .50 tip... you can shoot small lines with it..and basecoat just like Bob says. Dixieart.com. Just remember one more thing. A happy gun is a clean one. CLEAN YOUR GUN EVERYDAY!! and you will paint better and faster. I own 6 BCS Guns... I like them that much. GOOD LUCK The ROOKIE
  15. Another Spotted Bass I did this week.. hand carved out of balsa!! Happy Thanksgiving.
  16. Cool bait bud!!! I use to have a sparkle tail.. in that same color combo and it caught a lot of smallmouth for me in the Hoosier State... Great job. B75!!! The Rookie...
  17. Lots and Lots of help from DEAN!! Thanks so much for your help Dean O!! I couldnt have done it without you wise wisdom:worship: and experience!... Thank you too Fatfingers.. for the epoxy putty tip!!! PONY IS ABOUT READY FOR THE RUN TO OHIO!!! Paint is on the way. So far I have only tested it in a swimming pool.. dont know how deep it will run.. Hoping to reach 25 to 30 feet... with light line. but this could be a pipe dream!!!
  18. That is killer rj!! How much weight you got in it!!
  19. Rlcam, I have never purchased Topwater stuff from Janns or Barlows.. but the Lucky Craft knock offs as I call them... look alot like a real lucky craft at first.. but when you really look you see differences in the weight system.. and details.. Plus they have different action.. which could be good.. or bad.. depends on who you ask and what day you ask them. The Rookie
  20. The original lucky craft pointers sink if you put the wrong hooks on them..its not just janns baits...
  21. Vince, I feel this bait should be a Made Man in the BUCKEYE MOB!! Cause he is a KILLER!!! Outstanding my friend... I really like how you layered the scale marks just within the striped marks on the side!!! VERY NICE DETAILS!!! The Rook
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