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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. Guys, JOHN IS DA MAN!!! Some of the best lookin swimbaits in the COUNTRY!! I can only hope to paint them as good as he does..... John if I screw them up!! I will call in the Closer(JOHN) from the Bullpen to get me out of my jam!! Thanks buddy The Rookie.
  2. I think if someone does something better than someone else.. Human nature takes over and someone likes to put down someone that can do something better than someone. Well that is what I think!! BUT IF I DO SOMETHING GREAT!! JUST GIVE ME CASH.. ITS AS GOOD AS MONEY!! TATER YOGI!!!
  3. I know what you mean Dean!!! I have seen some killer lures on here not get the respect they are due!!! If I dont like something I just dont rate it!! Wasnt me!! I like Fatfingers!! Well I like him as a person.. those FINGERS are another story... THEY SCARE ME!!! If Im ever in a dark alley I want Fatfingers FIST ON MY SIDE!!! The_Rookie
  4. Nice work bama!!! How do you like the gravity feed airbrush!!! I have never used one.. I kinda like the bottles.. I see you must have the bill for it on the table.. LOL Nice work The Rookie
  5. LOL!!!! Can I get a paint by numbers crankbait please!!!
  6. Thanks guys!! I never paint much wooden baits.. 97 percent of the time Im painting plastic lures.. All paint is water base.. I have a air cleaner running full blast.. 3 fans.. Saftey glasses.. rubber gloves... etc.. I just wanted to know if its over kill.. sometimes I use them.. sometimes I dont.. I had allergy problems before I started this lure painting stuff.. but never the dry eye lid problem.. I could be worn out..Everyone says wheres my bait.. or is my bait ready yet.. So I try my best to get them out.. But I think Im killing my body in the process.....I put in 16 hour days 3 or 4 days per week... and on days off I still find myself messing with them 7 or 8 hours.... Thanks for the imput guys.. Take Care.. I have to go paint as we speak!
  7. Nice job buddy!!! Very cool color.....Now if you want to get paid for it and sell it on ebay.. write this on the side of it.... GORDAN SUCKS!!! GO DALE JR!! I promise you will get about 30 to 45 bucks for it...easy!!!
  8. Ok... Alot of guys on TU use epoxy.. I just want everyones thoughts and imput on saftey... To wear rubber gloves or not too.. to use a 3M Vapor MASK or not... To wear saftey glasses or leave them off.. I would rather not use any of the saftey stuff If I couldnt help it.. All of it gets in the way... I know I should.. but how safe is this stuff.. I called Decvon and they said its safe.. just make sure you have a good air flow.... I have about 3 fans going all the time.. but lately I havent felt 100 percent... Could just be the dust in the air from the heat and no rain.. This might have been a post before.. But I didnt find one.. Let me know what yall think about this subject!!!! Lately I have had very dry eye lids...I dont know if its the epoxy .. or the air in my house...Plus I been having breathing trouble.. I try to wear all the stuff I said above .. but the gloves hurt my hands!!! Glasses hurt my vision.. and I the mask bugs me... IMPUT PLEASE!!!
  9. LOL!!! And this happened in Detroit.. MAN you must look scary!! LOL.. they've killed men for less in Detroit!!
  10. LOL..... For once im speechless....I dont have a comeback on that one!!
  11. LOL... Yeap it's international alright.. you need a passport just to visit that State!!!
  12. Just go to your local junk yard.. get a chrome bumber off a old Yugo!! Weld some hooks on it and you will have one of the biggest Spoon Jigs ever made!! Plus you will save alot on the chrome paint.. And if you reel it really fast.. it will be the first time in the history of a yugo that it reached a top speed of 35 mph!!!
  13. Ok, Dean.. I been gone this weekend.. I had to go to your fine state and visit my IN LAWS!!! Which really killed me.. Had to pickup my kids.. they been at grandma and grandpa's house the past week to spend some time with them before school starts back up.. when I get their.. what do I find!! Both of my girls.. with UK T-shirts on... The_Rookie was born and raised in the BEST BASKETBALL STATE IN THE COUNTRY!!! And now grandpa is messing my kids up with some ugly blue color.. UK is a bad word where Im from...GIRLS GET IN THE CAR!! WERE LEAVING!!! Tell Grandma Im too sick to eat her supper..I have two t-shirts to burn when we get back.....I swear he does that just to piss me off...!! He's got them singing the UK fight song now!!! Whats next.. My old Kentucky HOME!!! I too sick to even finish this rant!!! GOOD NIGHT!! UK SUCKS!! GO IU!!
  14. Ok its official.. My Duck Tape is a new release at your local Blockbuster!.. Please note: Warning: This product may contain lead a chemical known to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. Do not place your hands in your mouth after handling the product. The sale of some lead-containing products is restricted by law in California and New Hampshire.. As for the rest of you Rednecks.. yankees.. Canucks..oh yeah and people from Kentucky.. (their so nuts we dont have a sterotyped slang word that might not be politically correct we just say their from Kentucky and everyone knows what we mean).. GO TO YOUR LOCAL STORE AND BUY SOME OF THE ROOKIE's Famous DUCK TAPE!!!
  15. you have to run the tape backwards to hear the duck sounds... Try fliippin it over.. its a magical tape Im tellin you..
  16. I cherish 4 hours of sleep right now... COME OVER FAT HELP ME PAINT ALL THESE LURES I have to have shipped out before tommorrow at 5pm.. 37 and counting... Started today at 10am.. I have 12 done.... 23 painted that need to be cleared.. and 2 that I dont think will get done in time.. I need a excuse when they ask me where their bait is.. You got a good one..
  17. Did I tell you guys I have a ghost in my house.. This is why my lures take so long to do.. .. SO Im sitting at my paint desk.. Its clean and nothing on it .... Im ready to paint.. But I need to tape some lures I just cleaned up.... I look right on the desk.. NO TAPE!!! I start throwing boxes around.. and walmart plastic bags.. no tape.. I got crap all over the floor.. LOOKING all over my office... NO BLUE TAPE!!! 45 mins past by and now Its 3am how am I going to get these done without tape.. So I drive to walmart.. at 3am.. and buy... YEP 15 ROLLS OF BLUE TAPE!!! IM not losing it anymore.. So when I get back home... I sit back down at my nice clean desk.. and look right down at the nice clean desk!!.. What do I see sitting right in front of my face!!! YEP my old roll of blue tape!!! The_ROOKIE
  18. Pete, Nice story buddy.. I want to see your work.. When you get done come over to my house.. I have a garage that needs cleaning too!! Since your have some experience at this sort of thing I would rather a professional clean it.. LOL I might even buy you some doughnuts if you do a good job! The ROOKIE
  19. Mav, You need a Tater HOG custom bait.. Im not taking no for a answer.. PM and I will send you my address.. Give me about 2 to 3 weeks.. to get it done.. but your lure is in safe hands... Unless it looks so good after Im done...I will list it on ebay and you can win it back....!!! JOKE>> KIDDING>>>>PM ME! My word is my word.. My only problem is my pony express for a post office!! DEAN IS STILL WAITING ON HIS MONEY!! Sorry DEAN!!! I SWEAR ITS COMING!! Hold those baits til you get it.. The Rookie
  20. Thanks Crappie Pro you can do it too! Just takes practice.. Im still getting better everyday.. I promise your 100 lure will be better than your first!!.. ..Im not the expert here but if you have any questions I will help you all I can...... .I want to tell yall a funny story.. Everyone else might get a kick out of it..or it will give someone else more material to make fun of me with.. but anyway. . My 10 year old daughter comes home from school one day.. Late May..right before school was out for the summer.. She is in 4th Grade..any way she walks in the kitchen and says "Daddy..Im not popular" WOW.. 4th grade and she is worried about that.. .I say.. honey dont worry about that kinda of stuff.. in 10 years you will not even care about it.... "But Im not popular.." 10 year olds dont just drop a subject... She gets that from her Mother.. So me being me.. I say..well did you tell everyone at school your Daddy is "Tater Hog on EBAy"!! as Im laughing a bite to cheer her up... "She says in a very serious voice...YES I DID Daddy!! I told them you are Tater Hog on ebay and.." "THEY SAID THEY DIDNT KNOW WHO YOU ARE"!!! of course I was joking when I asked her that insane question? I was just trying to make the kid laugh so we could drop this subject.....I never really thought she would tell anyone at school about my ebay business...or the whole tater thing.. so I look at her and tried to keep a straight face cause Im crackin up inside...I say Honey.. "That might be why your not popular" Next time dont tell the other kids your Dad goes by the name of Tater Hog and paints fishing lures to sell on ebay. Tell'em I invented Duck Tape instead! LOL! The_ROOKIE "Life is what happens while your making other plans"
  21. Im Tater Hog on ebay! For some strange reason everyone on ebay likes my work.. I think my mom just has alot of friends and they feel sorry for the poor smuck and buy my lures... I couldnt have done it without all the help for guys like Dean, Talley, Skeeter, Fat Fingers, Bob, even blades helped me.. I read alot stuff on here... Asked alot of questions.. and made alot of mistakes.. But I had the guts to paint some 25 bucks lures that sold for over 120 bucks on ebay.. When that happened.. I was as Markopolo says.. kinda a lure geek.. I think it was a pray answered from god.. Because I had really been down in the dumps the past 4 or 5 years.. My life sucked or I thought it did..and I fished 4 days a week just to get away from it.. Most would drink or do drugs.. not me... I just went fishing to escape all the pressure.. My wife was about to leave me over my depression..then one day I walked into this fishing tackle store and saw some custom painted lures..I thought man those are really neat.. How much do you charge to paint them buddy... he said 7 bucks.. I thought.. HOLY COW.. 7 bucks.. That seems high.. (I never said that out loud) But that was what I thought..then I said to myself man I could do that.. I have some art skills.. so I purchased a airbrush.. found out how hard it really is.. considered taking all my lures to this guy and have him paint them for 7 bucks...But I never gave up.. I found TU and got lots and lots of great tips... Sold some on ebay.. got a following.. and the rest is history I guess.. This hobby kinda saved me and my marriage.. Im making money now.. I dont fish as much which kinda stinks but Im home more and I feel better about myself.. Im not down in the dumps unless one of my lucky crafts only auctions for about 14.00 bucks.. and I finally found something I love to do and Im making money doing it.. I dont have a clue how long it will last but nobody really knows that in any job they do. I just thank God everyday for blessing me... There are alot of good painters selling stuff on ebay and across the country.. Im just one of the lucky ones that is making a profit.. if you call working 12 hours per day profitiable. but its not a job to me.. its fun...Where else can you Name yourself.. "TATER HOG" Custom paint a fishing lure that sells for 120 bucks..... and become famous on ebay!! ONLY IN AMERICA!!! Man I love this country!!
  22. Dean, What does Hygrocopic action mean!! Honest not being funny.. .I really dont know.. I think that word was on the SAT when I tried to pass it for college admittance... For all I know it was the one word that kept me out of Harvard.. LOL The ROOKIE
  23. Bob is right Mark....... Make sure you heat your epoxy too.. that helps get the air bubbles out.. also.. take a tack rag and wipe the bait so you dont get any dust on it before you start.... Small particles will crack it.. One more thing.. Dont let anyone see your work or a big lure company might steal your idea... Next time you have issues with me.. Just call me on the phone.. If you have seen me on ebay my number is listed everywhere.. Why you have a beef with me I will never know... I never said anything bad about you or maverick.. If you want others help I wouldnt start out as a new member on this site by attacking others.. Especially the ones you attacked.. Hope you know you attacked some of the best lure makers in the US.. Those guys are some of the most helpful people you will ever find... I would be careful what I said from now on.. The_Rookie Tater Hog Custom Baits
  24. To be honest with you Bassmaster.. I dont even know what it looks like.. All I know is its called a Manns 79... and BASS sent them out to all its members a few years back as a gift.. I have a good customer that is lookin for one some Im asking around for him... He is from ALABAMA BTW!! Nice lookin fish in your pictures.. I hope you threw them back so they would grow up a bit..LOL... Please dont attack me on that small bit of humor.. IM JOKIN... I have been tickin people off this week for some strange reason.. apprently lots of guys dont have much of a sense of humor..Thanks for replying and lookin for me..PM me if you think you found it and I will give you the phone number so you can call him personally..
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