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Everything posted by MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF

  1. Maverick.. Im sorry wasnt making fun of you or your request at your expense.. I was kinda attacking the fishing industry in general.. and just having fun and high on paint.. Free paint job if you really want a Sexy Shad pattern.. Dont leave TU.. These guys are the best in the world...without them I wouldnt of had the success I had on ebay this year.. I owe alot of my talent to them... THANK YOU TU!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Mark.. If you would like a free paint job too let me know.. That is the kind of person I really am.. Im a lover not a fighter.. I know I cant spell worth a lick either.. Please dont hate me because I sell lures on ebay.. I like to have fun.. God bless me with a passion for fishing and never give up heart... I have some painting talent but my best talent is my work ethic.. I paint til 4am everynight and paint each lure like it will be the only lure one of my customers ever sees of my work.. Thanks for you comments pm me if you want a free paint job too! The Rookie
  2. My wife would like it... She loves little things!!! SHHH!! DONT LAUGH!!!.. I tell her its not how deep you fish.. its how you wiggle your worm..
  3. I have a customer of mine that ask me to find a Manns 79 bait.. he might have said 78.. Heck I dont remember.. I just know it was a Bassmasters Collector's edition lure.. They gave them out to all the members that were paid up on their membership!!!.. I was 9 at the time.. So bass fishing was no high on my list... I was chasin wild women, drinkin beer and watching Kojak.. back in 79.. no time to fish... Anyway.. if anyone knows what the heck Im talking about and has some.. PM me... I have a customer that will buy it.. I could give you his number and you can do the deal.. Get's me out of it.. but makes me look good.. I GUESS!!
  4. Nice looking bait B75nweav.... WHAT THE HECK does your name mean!
  5. TRY THIS!!! EPOXY THE HECK OUT OF IT!!! GET IT ALL OVER THE O ring holders... Let the epoxy full them up..... Then take a dremmel.. drill out the holes after it drys..... I had a o ring linkage problem when I first started...Now I clear coat the heck out of the O rings.. I tried that and got high and wrecked the truck.. No problems since I used the dremmel.. See if that works... Its much easier than burning the O ring holders.. This tip is for keeping water out of your lure...Listen to the rest of these guys about primer and all that other stuff.. Im just a Rookie! But try the 0 ring trick..I have stock in dremmel and I need the money. The_Rookie
  6. My first lure is so ugly I would have to pay you to take it.. BUT!! I caught 12 fish in about 2 hours... My best friend was with me...at the time.. He never wants my good work.. He wants me to paint his baits to look like the JUNK lure I painted.. Why!!! Because that little sucker catches fish like crazy!! He could careless what it looks like.. Nice FISH CRAPPIE PRO!!! That's a big Crappie for sure!! LOL
  7. Did I ever tell you guys I invented DUCK TAPE!! Well that is what you guys know it as...I called it fix all tape!! Then this guy from Dillwood.. Goes by the name of Dick Duckworth. Took my tape at my wife's christmas party.. Ding dong me didnt write down the formula to the sticky mix.. just like when I paint a lure for the first time.. I never write down the mix or how the hell I came up with it.. anyway... Old Duckworth is FAMOUS!!! and as you can see my life is so far gone... I paint fishing lures out of depression!! And hangin out at TU all day long!! Birdie birdie in da sky.. Dropped some do do in my eye!! I will not worry. I will not cry.. Im just glad strike king reps dont fly!!
  8. Man, You guys build baits faster than I paint one... I need to speed up!! LONGBALL COFFEE PLEASE!!!
  9. I have broke lips off lucky crafts before trying to stripe paint.. dont ask!!! But you can fix them... Marine EPOXY!!! is the ticket for glue.. it will dry grey not clear like the 2 ton epoxy does.. Do two or three coats.. its a long process maybe 3 to 4 days dry time to fix the lip.. so if you dremmel them too much.. just try to put a new lip on them.. if that doesnt work.. put a whole bunch of epoxy on it and fish it like a JIG!!! I promise it will look like a dying shad!
  10. Im not lure maker.. heck not really much of a painter...All I know is waterbased means you can wash up with water.. after that!!! I have to get my dictonary out just to read some of the post on TU..So I thought I would do a look at how long it takes post..Im just a painter and I know it takes me about 5 hours just to paint a lure from start to finish.. I can only image how long it takes if you include the whole process... So everyone on TU!! How long does it take to make a great fishing lure from start to finish?
  11. Braveviper, Im always confused.. Sometimes I feel like Mork from ORK!! Remember that SHOW!!! HEY STRIKE KING HERE ARE SOME MORE SHAD NAMES YOU CAN USE AFTER YOU STEAL PATTERNS!! KILLER SHAD!! GREEN SHAD!! BLUE SHAD!!! POPCORN SHAD!! Shad Gumbo, Lemon pepper shad, Shad scampi, Shad and grits, Shad on a stick, B L SHAD, SHADWICH, Green eggs and Shad, the list goes on and on!!! RUN FORREST!!! RUN!!!
  12. Sexy Shad!! Why not call it a shady shad!! Cause something is shady about that shad! But sometimes you have to do it in the dark!! If you turned on the lights you might reconsider!
  14. Bobby, NICE WORK BUDDY!! I LOVE THIS LURE!!! Did you put any flair tint paint on it...If not try it...You will love the effects if you havent already used that kind of paint before..I know its hard to show in pictures..
  15. MADDOX!!! THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE ME HAPPY!! ONCE I GET MY CHECK TO DEAN!!! and he waits the 2 years I asked before he cashes it so I can raise funds and pay for them... ANYONE NEED A LURE PAINTED to look like well a painted lure... So I can tell dean its ok to cash my brother in law's sister's uncle check. THE juice is running on that loan!!! YOU DA MAN DEAN!!! IM SPEECHLESS FOR ONCE!! The_ROOKIE "Life is what happens while your making other plans"
  16. DEAN!!! I WANT THAT ONE!!! Unless you sold it already!
  17. Dont know if anyone has ever tried this or not.. but if you get one that is tacky.. take a hair dryer to it.. sometimes that works!! It will loosen it up and in a hour or so it might dry hard and no sticky.. If that doesnt work.. TRASH IT!! But a good rule of thumb on the epoxy mix is... MIX IT TILL IT LOOKS MILKY!! If it looks milky you did a good job!! if it looks clear..keep mixing! But what do I know.. Im THE_ROOKIE!!
  18. Dean, Check is in the mail!! Which one is mine!!
  19. Great post!! I never knew why my airbrush tip was always getting so gummed up!! Now I know.. Will have to try the tips you gave in this great article!! I glad to hear you dont really have a ratio in thinning paint!! Cause I been doing the trial and error thing for a long time.. Never cared much for ratio's!! Too much math for me!! Im a guy!! We dont like to read directions!! But I will try your suggestions!! For once I actually read the entire artical.. And my wife thinks im A D D !! What does she know! The_Rookie
  20. Your on your way buddy!! Looks way better than my first lure!! Or my 100th for that matter!! Keep up the good work! The_Rookie
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