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Everything posted by H2Fishing

  1. I'll get pics up this afternoon. Was finishing some last night for a buddy and didn't get a chance to get any pics.
  2. I posted a pic in the jig gallery under Football jig and sickle hook. Let me know what you think.
  3. 3/8 Football Jig 4/0 Sickle Hook
  4. I'll get some pics on here tonight. Maybe before hand.
  5. For those who have the DO-IT Football Jig mold in 1/4-1/2 oz. I was messing around at the house the other night and figured out a way to make shaky head type jigs with the do-it football mold and not have to modify the mold. Since these are the type of heads I use when I fish the shaky head I thought I should try and come up with a way to use this mold but I didn't want to modify it because I also use football jigs. I pour all mine in the 1/4 oz. cavity. Before I pour I slide a skirt collar onto the hook and move it up about 1/8 inch or so from the 90 degree bend of the hook. Then I use a hitchhiker and clip it on the hook right at the bend. When laid in the weed guard groove it will fit perfect and the mold will still close all the way. Insert a nail into the hitchhiker to keep lead from filling it in. I use a finish type nail that I cut the little rounded head off of so that it also fits perfectly in the weed guard slot. The rubber collar conforms to the cavity and keeps any lead from entering the collar. When you pour the lead the collar won't melt. You can see a little burning but it doesn't melt it enough to hurt it. After you have poured just slide the collar back off of the hook over the barb. I played around with the location of the skirt collar until I got it where it would just pour the head and no collar. When I broke the sprue off of the jigs I noticed that there was some play in the lead. But I fixed this problem when I clear coated with Devcon. If you get the devcon on the hook and the head it will bond it together and hold it in place. I know this is a little time consuming to do each time but I only do it for my self and a couple of buddies so it provids something new to do when making baits. I think they turned out pretty good. I'll get some pics up as soon as I have a chance to take some. I don't know what the heads weigh now without the collar, my guess is they are somewhere around 3/16 which is pretty close to 1/8 that I was using before. Thanks Chris
  6. When you start pouring, if you first suit the inside of the mold cavaties with a candle it will make the lead flow better. Sometimes, if you are using hard lead you won't get a good pour. The collar will be left out or the head won't completely pour. Good Luck.
  7. I recently bought the DO-IT football jig mold and like it a lot. I purchased mustad hooks in the begining but I don't like the bronze hooks and thought I would try the sohuri sickle hooks. With this hook it makes a pretty nasty looking jig. I have had good success before changing hooks and look forward to trying it out with the new hooks.
  8. Man is this place great or what?? I've been milling around here for a couple of weeks and the info that is on here is second to none. I thought I would go ahead and join a great place for tackle making enthusiasts like myself. I hae been painting baits for a couple of years now and love everything about it. With this site things can only get better. Thanks for letting me come aboard guys, hope to be able to learn as much as possible and maybe help some too. Chris
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