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rhahn427 last won the day on November 23 2019

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About rhahn427

  • Birthday 07/24/1951

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  1. I have a Gilly lure mold. The Gilly lure has an air pocket in the head of the lure that keeps it upright while retrieving. How do you pour the mold to get the air pocket in the lure?
  2. That would make an incredible cicada if someone built it
  3. Try wrapping it like a guide from several inches past it in both directions.
  4. I called Aluminite and they said they do not carry it anymore but their parent company sells this product that is supposed to take its place. https://polytek.com/products/bc-8655-kwik-kast-ii-blue-urethane-resin
  5. Just make a silicone mold If you find a few. Very easy
  6. It’s really simple to do.
  7. Sounds like it may not have been mixed enough
  8. Awhile back someone showed a tool they made that gave better action to trolled lures by using a disk to catch the top of waves and pulling down the rod and then releasing it causing the lure to dart. It was simply a round disk at the bottom with a hollow tube attached to the center of the disk at a 90 degree angle. A piece of bungee type cord was run thru the tube/disk and tied off. The other end comes out the top of the tube and is attacked to the fishing rod (guide I think) towards the top and hangs down just touching the water. When water catches the disk, it will pull down the rod and let it snap back making the lure move erratically. The plans for this was shown here. I am looking for that posting because I want to build some. Will someone point me to the post or the guy that posted it. Thanks
  9. Try using some heavy duty aluminum foil
  10. Just saw that …… thanks. Don’t know why it came up as a new post.
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