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Everything posted by rhahn427

  1. You said $1 or less ....... do you have the prices on the 101, 102 and 108's ..... are there quantity price breaks and what are approximate shipping costs to balto Md. Thanks Rick rhahn427@yahoo.com
  2. Can you email me a picture @rhahn427@yahoo.com Thanks Rick
  3. GY did the right and fair thing ...... hats off to him ........ As Far as Paypal is concerned ....... forget it ....... they don't do anything for you ......... I did a stupid thing and bought a boat on ebay and paid the deposit by Paypal. THe boat was grossly misrepresented to the point of being fraud. I tried to get my deposit back but they gave some bs about deposits not being covered ........ Good luck ........ Pay Pal never helped me ...... I still use them for the convenience but only on the small stuff now and with reputable companies ....... I know I can't count on them .......
  4. I use all 3 methods. However, I'd never usea torch ...... that's overkill in my book and expensive. If I use a flame, I just use a candle or an alcohol lamp. Alcohol because it's very cheap, quick to use and burns very clean. Just light the lamp and put the jig in the flame and count and dip. Try a couple of different counts until you find the one that gives the temp that gives you the best paint melt for you. If I'm making a bunch of jigs or very large jigheads I use the oven but if I'm just painting 20 for a fishing trip I just use the candle. I like the candle better than the heat gun but that's just my preference.
  5. Badger still has there garage sale going although you now have to call Dino until they post their inventory. They usually have airbrushes in the $20 range that are scratch and dent. Also, I bought an airbrush tree from Harbor Freight that came with several air brushes ....... I'll sell you one of those for $15 shipped.
  6. ....... Knock Knock Knock ........ HELLO ........ in case you didn't notice .......... THIS IS A TACKLEBUILDING WEBSITE ......... Stop the political stuff ......... people come here to get away from that ........
  7. Well ....... sorry you get mad at reality ......... the thread was started with Coley saying that it's ashame that only 76 out of 6000 voted ....... all I said was what do you think it's going to be with a $60 membership fee. Right now there are only 18 members on line ......... I pay membership fees to several sites even when I don't have to and I've bought a bunch of stuff here. And yes ...... there is good information .......but a $60 fee will kill this site ........ many many will drop out and few new people will spend the money to come aboard ........ so you'll be left with a few die hards and some professionals so there would be a lack of new ideas and fresh builders and people will go elsewhere ........... Sorry guy but the world won't end if Jerry calls it quits ........ I'll just spend more time on other sites ............ This site is great and it works the way it is ........... don't break it by fixin' it
  8. If he doesn't want them I'll take them
  9. What do you think it will be like if they start charging $60 for a membership ..........
  10. I voted yes before I saw the membership rates ......... $60 a year is crazy guys ................ I subscribe to several sites and I gladly pay ............ the most anyone of them charge is $25 bucks ........ sorry guys .... but $60 will kill this site ......... there's great info here and it works but there is not enough readers to charge that much ............. if it ain't broke don't fix it ........ especially for $60 bucks a year ......... PLEASE CHANGE MY VOTE TO NO
  11. Thanks guys ..... was spelling it wrong ...... found it plenty of places ......
  12. I just watched Larry Dahlberg's show and he made a lure using a sheet of Flashaboo that he cut a shape from ...... where can I buy sheets of flashaboo mirage
  13. Color block ..... what is it ....... where do you get it and where do we fnd more info about it ?
  14. George .... he said toplug in an AC adapter to the cigarette lighter which would convert the DC to AC then connected to the battery Charger which would convert back to DC. I think it would be simpler to simply connect a cigarette lighter plug to wires with battery clips and connect that to the battery thus going DC to DC.
  15. Sorry ...... I wasn't clear ....... I meant was why couldn't you just fine sand the wood with up to 2000 grit sandpaper and spray with pam instead of the devcon/elmers coatings .......
  16. do you need to coat them at all if you sand them with 1500 -2000 grit sandpaper and spray with PAM ?
  17. .... Last week I balked at paying $20 for silicon coated hot gloves ......... after the pictures .... I forked out the cash ..... cheaper than the medications not ot mention the pain and scars ......... sorry for you accident but thanks for the reality check ...... really ........ THANKS
  18. If you are using a candle or a heat gun or torch you have to guestimate the temp and experiment. First if you don't have a fluid bed then take your PP container and shake it to make sure the paint is fluffed and not packed. I usually start with a holding the lure in the heat source while counting till I think it is right temp and and dipping it and then making adjustments by adding or subtracting in the count. Usually only need to dip a couple to get it right. If it is still clumping then try drying the paint a little and putting it in a small coffee/spice grinder to break it up a little ........ moisture in PP will make it heavier and tend to clump
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