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Everything posted by rhahn427

  1. Thanks ............. but How do you know if you mixed the right amount of dye to get the color you want when it is cloudy
  2. Thanks Mark. I bought the transparent base but it is cloudy until it is sprayed. Is there a clear one that I can mix until I get the color I want. Most of the dyes are pearls with highlights.
  3. I have some pigment powders that I want to use to make my own airbrush paint. What medium do you use to ad the pigment to?
  4. Way overkill ......... you need just enough air to make the powder move. A fish tank air pump has to usually be adjusted down
  5. They are a wire made with a swivel on 1 end. I bought some from someone that was making long underspins. They are the same that they use on Tokyo Rigs and I can’t remember where I got them. I am looking for a source
  6. The guys in both videos used heat transfer foils. I’m not sure irons here will get hot enough. But hey ........... give it a try and let us know if it works.
  7. I don’t think a 12 v element will get hot enough. We change out the elements on the credit card stamps to get hotter ones. These are the ones I bought but have not tried them yet. The guy that came up with the idea of the credit card press did a bunch of experiments and says they have to be at least 300 watt. https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-Stock-2x-NEW-AC110V-300W-Mold-Heating-Element-Cartridge-Heater-Tube-Rosin-DIY/352483764452?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Heres the silicone pad https://www.ebay.com/itm/SILICONE-SPONGE-RUBBER-1-2-THK-X-12-X-12-SHEET-HIGH-TEMP/223161425660?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  8. The iron has to be very very hot. Here is how some are doing it. I’m in the process of building my own machine. You have to have a heating element that will heat the rubber very hot. https://www.facebook.com/groups/337976016943741/
  9. rhahn427

    Misc. Wood Bodies/Props

    I’d be interested depending on the price
  10. You can cast it on silicone and pour your own
  11. I just bought a ti 90a off eBay. I see where you installed a new heater and where you got it on EBay and the larger heating plate. Did you make any more changes? If so what are they. I want to do the same.
  12. Check out the California Air compressors ......... in expensive and very quite. I have several compressors but I only use the California air and Silentaire because of the noise of the others. I really have to listen to make sure the Silentaire is on but it is more expensive.
  13. Classifieds has a pusher selling drugs. I touched contact us and sent a message many hours ago and it’s still there. NICE!
  14. Sorry for the fire ......... glad everyone was able to get out
  15. Please Please Please repost it ............. Please
  16. What do you guys use to paint the inside of ES Molds that I’ve seen some guys do to make the lures smooth.
  17. Sent an email saying I would take them (rhahn427)


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