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Everything posted by rhahn427

  1. Payment sent ......... Thanks
  2. I'll take whatever he doesnt
  3. There's a guy on Bass Boat Central that had brown living rubber for sale ....in personal sales ..... Don't know if he sold but worth checking out
  4. Don't know Where you can get one made but it shouldn't be too hard to make it yourself .......... That or contact the people that make the lure with the stenciled signature
  5. Here ya go ... Blade with hook. The hook has a curve to fit the blade instead of the eye Better look at the blade and hook Size of the blades Rigged lazy Ike Comparison....... Lazy Ike ........ Bladedancer ......... Pic'l eau Hope this helps Btw ........ All three have something out the back that stabilizes. Lazy Ike and Bladedancer have fixed hooks and the other has a fixed clip.
  6. Posted Today, 10:48 PM Ok guys .......... I became interested in them a couple of years ago. I bought a few and then I found the hooks and the blades on eBay awhile ago. I was going to make some but I made a larger one for salt water that didn't work because the blade was too small for the weight of the ball. The Lazy Ike has incredible action though. I'll see if I can dig the out and take pics. The hook had a special open eye that hooked into a hole in the back of the blade. It's similar to the pic'l Eau but not the same. I think it has a straight hook instead of a ring then a hook to ad stability. Remember..... It's a lead ball with a lip.
  7. Ok guys .......... I became interested in them a couple of years ago. I bought a few and then I found the hooks and the blades on eBay awhile ago. I was going to make some but I made a larger one for salt water that didn't work because the blade was too small for the weight of the ball. The Lazy Ike has incredible action though. I'll see if I can dig the out and take pics. The hook had a special open eye that hooked into a hole in the back of the blade. It's similar to the pic'l Eau but not the same. I think it has a straight hook instead of a ring then a hook to ad stability. Remember..... It's a lead ball with a lip.
  8. Has anybody tried this https://www.facebook.com/chesapeake.kayak.trolling/?rc=p https://www.facebook.com/chesapeake.kayak.trolling/videos/1665636097036977/?video_source=pages_finch_main_video
  9. Dave ............ There will always be a people to be exploited somewhere in the world.
  10. ........... The truth is that capitalism cannot exist unless there is something to exploit at the cost of many for the profit of a few ........... America became the world power it is after WW2 simple because we were the only country left with raw resources and manufacturing capabilities........... We became rich by exploiting the rebuilding others at great profit. Now we have exploited about everything we have including the American Worker. In many cases, a 2 income family cannot begin to buy what a 1 income family could when I grew up. The mark of a healthy economy is when the worker can afford to buy the item he makes. I'm definitely not a Socialist but history has shown that a good mix of capitalism and socialism builds the strongest economy. You can't have 1% of the population control over 90% of the money .......... Just look at the French Revolution. I'll get off my soapbox now.
  11. First, thanks for letting us know about the new pot. Lyman has a good name, I can't imagine they would not produce a quality product. Second, the advertising says it takes Lee Molds, and if it doesn't, the mold holder is removable. Sounds like a good possible alternative to the other ones. I would love to see an evaluation from someone on here that actually used it.
  12. Chuy .......... Your mag is excellent and I wouldn't mind paying $25 per year for it if I could get it on my iPad in any format ....... Just sayin ......... I loved the PDF version that I saw
  13. Thanks soooooo much for that link ......... You sir are truly talented. It's the best mag I've seen in a while. My only point before was that if there is not a way to see it using a mobile device, you would severely limit your viewing which would limit your advertising dollars. The PDF will allow it to be viewed on tablets. I hope you will continue that format because I love your mag. ........ Thanks
  14. Yeah ...... I think you're right ........ Adobe flash is not supported on mobile devices ......... Computer World calls it obsolete .......... It doesn't matter ....... He has a good product but he will never get to the numbers he needs without tablets
  15. I think you can get Adobe Flash on anything ......... But I don't know for sure
  16. Yeah ......... And actually I'm at home on cable and wi fi and can't get it on my iPad. Cable wi fi is definitely not mobile and it doesn't come up. It doesn't make sense to me. This is literally the only site that says that.
  17. I guess I don't understand ......... Every other website allows me to open their sites not in a mobile mode but full website. I don't know many people that use computers anymore except at work and most of them are blocked. You'll never get the following you need to get the advertisers unless you let people access it via their tablets. I'd love to see it but I'm not going to wait for my computer to boot to see it. Have you looked into other hosts? This one sounds screwy
  18. Mark What ratio did you use for your plastisol ........ I want to have a slight glow on my baits like you did
  19. Great ............ Politics on a Tackle making forum ............ Cut it out !!!!!!!
  20. ........ Someone finally turned lead into gold........ Lol
  21. ......... And tight lines
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