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Everything posted by rhahn427

  1. Post it on rodbuilding.org .......... If you were in Baltimore I'd teach you .......... There are a bunch of great rod. Builders around you ......... Also try the Rod Guild
  2. Bought 4 yesterday ........ Great deal ...... Thanks for the discount
  3. First, any plastisol can be used in salt or fresh. Salt formulas are usually harder. Usually the softer the bait the better the action .......... With the exception that a harder formula is better for a quivering action .......... If you make them harder you change the action .......... The whole point is to get the bite .......... You will always spend more on gas getting there than any bait you would use ........... It would be a shame to sacrifice a few bite to durability .......... Many years ago I found that the sassy shads that worked the best were the 1's that had tails that layer all the way over ......they were also the 1's that didn't last long ...... I would pick over every bin or package to find and fish just those and give the 1's that didn't pass muster to people that wanted what I was catching on ........ Needless to say I still caught more using the same bait. Question is .......... Do you want to build for durability or to catch fish? Which will create more demand for your lures?
  4. rhahn427


    Spoke to him several times ......... Always ready to lend a hand ........ Was great at horizontal dipping tubes .... Definitely is missed .......... Rest in piece guy
  5. Who ever said fish can't detect oil has never seen an oil slick from a shad slaughter and all the fish it attracts .......... I would have to wonder if that person ever fished ........... Oil is the main attractant ingredient in chum
  6. Just don't use the toaster oven for food after painting
  7. Why don't you ask him what he is thinking about ............. Lots of different walleye lures
  8. rhahn427


    Not a problem guy ........... have a lathe and rotary tool too. Would love to see the lure some time ......... planning to fish the Snakeheads this year ......... they are such a goooood eating fish.
  9. rhahn427


    Hey Rob ........ I'm Memory Maker from the Snaggedline site. I will be pouring a bunch of frogs this winter ........ I also bought out the Lateral perch heads and bodies and I will be pouring the Yamamoto swim jig heads for some snake/worm/shad lures. As you know ....... the pads and weeds are thick later on in the year where the snake heads are found. I'm available if you want to pour sometime.
  10. The softer the easier to tear but more action .......... most large and salt water use a harder mixture I think
  11. Back atcha ......... And to all
  12. I think Power Tackle has a spin caster for sale for $2500 ......... not sure if that's what you want ...... I think it's in the classified section
  13. Yep .... I know .......... but if I'm going to the effort to melt lead then I'm going to clean it, I always do it outside because of the fumes but do it undercover so no water drops can get in the pot ......... I'm also clothed head to toe w/a clear face shield and breathing mask and gloves so the paint fumes are not an issue. Yeah it looks funny but a whole lot nicer than being disfigured by 600 degree lead ........ I have a couple of scars from my dumb younger days when just a couple of tiny drops landed on me while pouring wearing just cutoffs and flip flops and puffing on a cigarette ............ lesson well learned and I thank the guardian angel .........
  14. I think the paint will just burn off .......... It's 600-700 degrees
  15. Looks great but how much are the transaction fees. Can find everything but that
  16. I have a 16 ft 6 ft wide Grummund and 3 men can stand on the side and it doesn't move
  17. You'd have to check the specs on it ............... it would have to accept temps 600 - 700 degrees ......... most of the high temp Silicone says to @ 500 degrees but it works .......... might try stuff for mufflers on cars.
  18. Why just Fugi ...... What about the PAC Bay or the Batson SIC or TICH guides. Why are Fugi the standard I do agree that the Sic/TICH are the best to me anyway
  19. I 've made some buck tails using it. Works great. Simply clamp a lead mold with a hook in it ......... Use a good hot glue gun and fill as quick as you can. Watch it for a few seconds to see if a depression starts to develop ............ If so then fill immediately ......... I usually wait around 5 minutes to open. I usually use a graphite mold release ....... The kind for lead ........ Some times I need a screwdriver to open if I use all of the cavities. These things really work. I caught a 40 lb catfish just playing around trolling it the 1st 15minutes using it. A buddy videod it and posted it on YouTube under the title Mattawoman monster if it's still there.
  20. Fatman .......... they are not in the custom mold business ........ it's not their business. They mass produce the molds they offer and that's it. They also buy successful companies with good reputations and keep their management to run it. They did it with CS Paints and now Caney Creek. I've had great service from them especially CS Paints and Caney Creek. I don't see the problem.
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