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Everything posted by JBlaze

  1. Great idea Mark, I will be giving that one a try. Thanks
  2. JBlaze

    Side View

    Thanks Ben, The blade should give it lots of vibration. I've been trying to figure out how to get this thing all together without cutting a belly slot to place the assembly in and having to fill it back up. I think this is going to work well.The three wires are a pretty snug fit inside the rivet. I could not get four of them in it. I sealed everything really well. I think, even if the seal is compromised and water gets in the bait, it should still be fine to use since the body itself has no action. I don't think the wires and tow eye will pull apart or out of the ferrule. I tried pulling them apart before I slid them back inside the bait and though I am getting old, I still have a little more strength than any bass I may catch. The next one will be made of PVC. John
  3. JBlaze

    lure 011

    That is just an awesome paint job. Good looking bait too. John
  4. JBlaze

    An assortment

    Thanks BBM, you are right it is definately a Rig Craze. This thing has really got into my head.
  5. JBlaze

    Tennessee Clatter Rig

    Built this one last night. It is a thru wired version in a balsa wood body. Built with .035 spring steel wire, and D2T. I drilled a 3/32 hole from nose to tail. To keep from damaging or splitting the soft balsa body when you spread the wires, I enlarged the tail hole to 1/8 in. and embedded a ½ in. long aluminum rivet in the tail of the bait. I enlarged the hole in the node to 13/64 inch. to accept an aluminum ferrule. The three wires are passed through the rivet and out through the nose of the bait. I then formed a tow eye and placed the blade on it. I secured the three wires to the blade and tow eye with a 1/16 inch aluminum ferrule. Swagging (not sure I spelled that right) the ferrule created some flashing and rough edges. After trimming and smoothing I slid the whole assembly back inside the bait and glued both ends with super glue. As an extra precaution, I also hardened the whole balsa wood body with super glue. The lure is sealed with a thick coat of D2T. Now, if I could just learn to paint LOL.
  6. JBlaze

    three amigos

    Yes they do. A+ John
  7. JBlaze

    The Joker Rig

    I think that is a Niceeeeeeeeeeeee Job. John
  8. JBlaze

    An assortment

    just pulled the rig off the turner and thought I would post it. Am going to try and make a mold off it. John
  9. JBlaze

    Secret Snake!

    I still think it will bite! Gotta be a fish getter.
  10. My method is similar to yours, I collect the sawdust powder from my band saw, then pack it in around the weight hole and smooth it to match the belly contour then drop a couple of drops of thin CA on it and it is done. I am not a seller so if it is just a little rough, I don't mind. I have sanded it smooth but it is very hard, almost like trying to sand steel. John
  11. JBlaze

    Carving Knife

    Good Job Dieter, The handles look real comfortable. I too like the cork idea for blade protection. John
  12. JBlaze

    Carving Knife

    Laser hair removal ain't got nuth'un on us. John
  13. JBlaze

    First attempt decal

    I think it looks good, I really like the eyes. Are they hand painted?
  14. JBlaze

    First Wobbler

    Thanks Diemai for the tip, I have 5 more of them sawed out and ready to shape. Surely I can get one of them right.
  15. JBlaze

    Carving Knife

    Thanks for all of your input. I am not sure what I will wind up with but this one did the job and was very comfortable in my hand. The wide flat metal handle fit perfectly in the curl of my fingers and I felt like I had full control of the knife. I will make another one with a straight blade and see how it does. Diemai, Yours are nice. I like the idea of using those files for knives. I am sure they would hold a good edge once you get it sharp. Nice Job on them. John
  16. What is the best knife for carving? A few years ago I bought one of the hobby knife sets with several different blades. I carved one lure. It was terrible after that, I shaped all my lures with a Dremel and sanding drums. I just don't like all the dust it creates. A couple of weeks ago, I met littleriver he showed me some things and we did a little horse trading. I really liked his carvings and he showed me the knife that he uses. I tried to make one out of an old table knife. I think the blade is very similiar to his in shape. It worked well for me today and I will make another one with the blade more centered with the handle. I cut it with a Dremel and a cutting disk and then tapered and thinned the blade with a belt sander taking care not to let it get to hot. I honed it on sand paper and put it on the steel. This thing really took a good edge and will peel the hair off your arm. Any one ever made a knife out of one of these? When I finished carving this one out, it only took a few minutes to finish it off with sanding sponge and there wasn't much dust flying around. I think I will like hand carving.
  17. JBlaze

    First Wobbler

    Needs more ballast, it layed over on its side.
  18. JBlaze

    First Wobbler

    First time to make one of these, LittleRiver showed me these, thanks Vic. I will take it to the water this morning to see if it will swim. John
  19. That'ull snag one for sure. I like it. John
  20. JBlaze

    PVC Crank

    Was trying to do a bass and it didn't turn out as expected but it's growing on me and I think it will catch a fish. The actual bait is several shades darker. Not sure why it turned out so light in the picture.
  21. JBlaze

    Green Snake!

    Vic, you have been busy. Those look good. They look like they have been air brushed. I am looking forward to seeing/learning how you do this. The fading and blending are great. Hard to believe this was done with a brush. Congrats!!! Have a good day. John
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