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Everything posted by JBlaze

  1. JBlaze

    Three more new ones

    Mark, Congrats on getting that little rascal to swim. Looking forward to seeing your topwaters when you get them painted. John
  2. JBlaze

    last of the crackle

    Jody, I Really like this, I am going to repeat myself. Your lures, they just keep looking better and better. Way to go! John
  3. JBlaze

    Jerk Bait

    Beautiful job. First fish on any of your baits, wow. Feels good doesn't it? From what I've seen of your bait making, there will be many more fish to come. Good luck with them. John
  4. JBlaze

    couple more

    I like that pike too. Nice John
  5. JBlaze

    Three more new ones

    Beautiful, all three. I think you are on the right track with all the weight in the front section. Thats where it is at in my half-n-half but as far back in the rear part of the front section as I could get it. It swims fine, but mostly it is the head shaking back and forth. Good luck with it, I like the Lil' gill. John
  6. JBlaze

    Two new ones

    Well, how did it do?
  7. I use denatured alcohol to thin D2T, You can make it as thin as water if you want to I am not sure whether it would be a very good top coat being that thin but it is good for sealing balsa wood. you might want to try it on a scrap bait and see what happens. I first mix the amount of epoxy that I need then add the denatured alcohol a couple of drops at a time until I get the consistency that I want. It will turn into a glob on your mixing stick at first but keep stirring and it will release and start to thin out. Hope this helps. John
  8. JBlaze

    new pvc baits

    Jody, I like this one too John
  9. JBlaze

    Two new ones

    Mark, don't know anything about gliders but it is a nice looking bait. Now your little blue gill, that is really sharp. I admire the smaller jointed baits. I suppose that your hinge is pin and screw eyes. That is really a nice clean joint, really makes the lure look professional. The tail piece is a good idea and a good use for those extra plano dividers. Like the colors on this one two. Dang, thats a good looking lure. First class all the way. John
  10. Almost looks real, I agree with the above statement. Very Nice. John
  11. JBlaze

    "U.F.O." lure

    U.F.O Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Unidentified Fishing Object maybe. Never seen anything like this one. Its a neat concept lure. I believe it will catch fish. Then you can call it U.I.F.O. Unidentified Irresistable Fishing Object. Good Job on this one! John
  12. JBlaze


    Looks good, How do you like using the screw eyes or is that twisted wire? John
  13. JBlaze

    Shad from the tutorial

    I agree with Jody. Wow! John
  14. JBlaze

    5 - segment trout

    It surely does look good to me. Has more of a color likeness of a native rainbow trout than a stocked trout. John
  15. JBlaze

    cracked again

    I like these. I have never tried the crackle before. I think you better hang on tight when fishing them. John
  16. Congrats, hope this turns out to be a big success story! John
  17. JBlaze

    Two Brok Trout

    Very nice Pete, I like the eyes and from what I can see, your painting and top coats are flawless. Hope you catch a bunch of fish next week. John
  18. JBlaze

    Heres some history

    Nice, I think it was worth the wait. Again, a very unique looking bait with personality. This might sound silly but it looks happy. John
  19. Danderson, It is my understanding that CD's and DVD's are made from almost pure polycarbonate crystals. I too thought they would be very strong. I made several crank bills out of cd's and dvd's spent a lot of time on them cuttint shaping and scraping off the aluminum coating so they would be clear. first one I took to the lake lasted about three casts and it hung up in the rocks. while trying to pull it free, It came loose but the bill was shattered. same thing happened to the next one so I wouldn't waste my time on it if I were you. John
  20. JBlaze

    Baby Gills

    Very Nice, I like those smaller baits. Are those molded baits? John
  21. JBlaze

    Jointed Perch

    I like it just fine, I am sure that the head really hammers on that thing. I also like your concave/convex joint setup. It gives the lure a nice flowing clean look. I think that I agree with Mark and Diemai on the front hook hanger but I would use twist pins. They have been good to me. Your paint Job, excellent. John
  22. JBlaze

    25' Deep Divers

    25 ft. thats incredible. I know that is/was not easy to achieve. Very good looking lures. John
  23. JBlaze


    Those are sweet. How deep do they run?
  24. JBlaze

    sinking wiggler

    Diemai, I really like the body style on this lure. The colors too. Your rattle can paint jobs are superb. Your sheet metal hinges on the other lure look nice and clean too. Very professional looking. Keep posting please. The descriptions that you include with your gallery pics are very informative and inspiring. Thanks for sharing. John
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