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Everything posted by longhorn

  1. Here's a post that shows a process similar to what nova is describing. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10968&highlight=easy+production
  2. I've tried really hard to get the sexy shad color in soft plastic and after many failures I think I may have it. Maybe I should have put these two in separate compartments. I hope the bass like them too.
  3. On the TU home page scroll down to knowledge base where you'll find several good tutorials on making POP molds. Good luck.
  4. I wear something very similar to that also.
  5. I use fiberglass cafeteria trays...they work great as production trays and for mold making trays.
  6. I always wear a respirator when pouring and I recommend it to anyone that pours.
  7. you can also sprinkle some glitter in the mold before pouring...the glitter will usually cling to the sides of the mold since it's so light.
  8. The wax is removed by putting the mold in the oven and melting the wax then pouring it out. Then bake the mold for an hour or two and it's ready to coat.
  9. I pour some big baits also and sealing just the head really doesn't add much thickness.
  10. I get mine at Barlows...don't know if the price is reasonable or not. http://www.barlowstackle.com/
  11. I don't use super glue....just stick them on as they come but then I dip the head of the bait just past the eyes in clear plastic to seal the eyes in and it works really well. This should work on the little bait above.
  12. Great looking baits...I would have thought that was impossible with a hand pour!
  13. One easy way to downsize is to go to Windows Explorer....select your photo...then right click and select "send to" then select mail recipient. It will then ask if you want to make the picture smaller....click ok and a blank message will appear with a file attachment which is downsized but still good for viewing. You can copy right from there and paste into a file of your choice.
  14. I was just curious. Didn't mean to upset anyone. I assume now that plastic comparison questions are not a good idea. Thanks anyway.
  15. since your molds are simple you can paint them with full strength Elmer's and a small brush and get the shine you want. Good work on your first pours...the enjoyment really gets good when you catch the first fish on a bait you made....the fish is hooked and so are you:)
  16. I agree with your conclusion to keep it small and enjoy the success. I've read a thread on here that a guy got the patent and spent thousands and still didn't have his investment back. I have a bait that I keep to myself because so far nothing like it has come out so the bass are not conditioned to it. I'm sure many on this site have something they keep for themselves and close friends.
  17. Very natural looking baits...Nice work.
  18. your photos look great...here's a recent thread on taking pictures...some interesting stuff. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11036
  19. Is MF regular plastic similar to LC 502 in consistency when poured? Does anyone have a clue what type of plastic California Swimbabes are made of? They seem really tough but flexible and don't smell like MF, LC or Calhoun's... Thanks for the input and Happy New Year...I'm going fishing tomorrow for the first time in '08...been kinda windy around here.
  20. My guess is the snap holes are too far up on the blade. I made my first chatterbait blades with the snap holes fairly close to the bottom hole and they worked great.
  21. I don't know if Starflash is an actual brand name but Barlows has a huge selection of skirt material and ready made skirts. http://www.barlowstackle.com/acb/showprod.cfm?&DID=6&CATID=65&ObjectGroup_ID=223
  22. I pour in my boat storage which is well vented. I always use a respirator when I pour. I heat the plastic with infrared lamps. I would not recommend pouring inside a home due to the plastic fumes.
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