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Pete B

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Everything posted by Pete B

  1. Have you tried using the two part ultra lite urethane resin manufactured by Smooth-On. This is a simple two component material, easy to use, beautifully pourable into the mould. It is also odour free. The resultant bait is extremely light. I hope tis is of help
  2. Hello Benjamin, this may seem a bit off the wall, but I regularly use plaster disolving solution for removing post soldering off silver soldered appliances. This is in conjunction with an ultrasonic cleaner, but soaking your soldered items over night in the solution would work. As I am "across the pond" from you I do not know what USA propriety brands are available. If you know any Dental Technicians or Dental Laboratory suppliers, give them a ring and I am sure they will be able to put you on the plaster disolving solution I mean. I have used this method for years and the joints are perfectly clean. I hope this is of help to you Regards Pete
  3. Very interesting piece Rofish. It would be intersting to see which action and vibration induces the most takes on the same bait using a different lip. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and incouraging me to think a bit more strongly about it
  4. You could try "Blu Tac", a sort of tacky putty material that is used for putting posters up on the wall, without marking the wall or the poster. It can be used over and over. You could use it on a nail as a support and this would allow you to paint your blades. edges and all with no interference. Hope this helps
  5. Depending upon the size of the blades, you could try holding them in crocodile clips, then slot the clips on to nails driven into a piece of scrap wood, with the heads cut off. Just a possible solution to your problem, good luck.
  6. Hi guys, I'm impressed with the wide range of tips ideas and advice on this site. Being on the other side of the pond, I cannot lay my hands on a uk source for the plastic material you guys use for pouring your soft plastics. I can and do have access to Silicone elastomer. Has anybody used this material for making shad and bulldog type lures, I would be interested to know and if per chance you knew of a supplier for the soft plastic that you use, that would be brilliant. Thanks for any help:yay:
  7. Pete B

    foam question

    Yes the featherlite material is great, easy to use, with minimal fuss
  8. Those are first class baits, did you airbrush paint them?
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