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Everything posted by ddl

  1. imo zinc are the best,they have a lot of memory
  2. ddl

    Rotisserie motor

    what was the name ?
  3. was looking for the best online shop whit lowest price and most complete lineup of createx like wicked and auto air.have not find a lot of places that is carying auto air. tks
  4. best one and really cheap.many shop buy from them http://rings.worthco.com/products/choose-right-ring
  5. ddl

    Rotisserie motor

    anyone know when rotation is 2 fast or 2 slow?
  6. tks mark now is that true that denatured alcohol is ethanol ? for some strange reason in the country of sob trudeau it look like it's illegal to use denatured alcohol .doe's anyone know another source or an obscure contact to get that so useful denatured alcohol in canada??
  7. ddl

    Mister Walleye

    is that a big game painted by you?
  8. i know but this is a well known recipe used as a cleaner 12oz Distilled water 4oz Denatured Alcohol 4oz Amonia free window cleaner 10 drops Glycerine matt is using it as a thinner ,so it must be good
  9. i know that subject have been covered quite a bite but i think an update would be good just to see how the supposed good motors have turned lol. i think some ebay seller have some good cheap model can you tell me who have them? for now this one is by far the nicest one i have seen,it look so nicely made.but is that a lil bit too slow or that's just me? tks
  10. why the new needle or nozzle would not perform like the original ? if it would came from china ok but i would not be afraid at all if it would be a japanese or german pieces.these guys can cut hair in 4 if needed
  11. ddl


    here is the email i just got from createx,i think it's a good info to share whit everyone Thank you for contacting Createx Colors. Please find attached our application guides. All fluorescent colors, including ours, are not lightfast as what makes them fluoresce, emit light , is that the pigment is decaying. Therefore, the color will eventually fade. The paint is made with a durable resin, so the coating doesn’t fial in the long-term, its just that fading is inevitiable.
  12. ddl


    it's semi transparent.what org fluo brand did you use for woodie?
  13. hey mark what brand of paint work best for plastic?
  14. ddl


    I just get a new iwata eclipse it was gun fault,real trash from pawnshop needle and nozzel was no good there was also a nozzel cap from another model,really not something to buy used .at least not for a noob like me.yes paint was aztek. tks for the good words
  15. ddl


    omg they were at 2 dollars per bottle at michaels,ive completely forgget your message and ive get just the gold and try it without a mask heart was pumping fast and lung and throat were kind of irritated lol.they sell out of all there airbrush materiel .there was nice copper and purple i think i'll get these two but there was not fluo at all.it smell really ad vs createx.do you like their metallic colors like gold ,silver etc better than createx?does it worth that horrible smell?
  16. ddl


    yeah anyway if they are good they dont last for 10 years.yesterday i give my first test whit my eclipse at 40 psi,it was createx black but reduced by only 1 or 2 percent,at almost lowest triggering possible sometimes paint come out sometimes it don't ,lines were not continuous .is that an hardware trouble or paint or operator trouble ? btw my iwata is not new.look easy but it's not
  17. so from what i see reducer can be also used as a cleaner?strange no?
  18. ddl


    was going to buy createx airbrush colors red and orange fluorescent but here is what i've just seen from createx website The color’s fluorescence is due to the pigment being in a rapid state of decay.Fluorescent colors are not intended for permanent finishes. is that true even if it's sealed? if that doesn't work were im gonna find that kind of color out of createx airbrush colors?? it already begin to be a lot more complicated than what i tough ,by chance this forum and some good users exist. ps to make sure there will be no confusion i don't look at some glow in the dark paint
  19. ddl


    do you think createx thinner worth the price vs homemade mix?
  20. ddl


    yeah i think it's like you said,trial and error and i think i'll get hundreds of home made concoction to thin it. i'll try to see what most youtubers use.thanks
  21. ddl


    strictly for a viscosity point of view doe's that one have to be thinned ?the result that i want is simple i want the same colors that i see on the bottle over my wooden baits lol.
  22. ddl


    does that thing have to be used right out of the bottle or water have to be added just to help the paint to move out at the best way possible?this is opaque soi guess water is out of question ? http://www.artistsupplies.com/createx-createx-fluorescent-violet-2oz.html
  23. ddl

    Cedar perch

    tuff to add less than 5 stars on that super perch.almost nicer than the one created by mother nature
  24. ddl

    cedar baits

    what did you add there?
  25. is that possible to make a search at just one specific section? ive try it even with advance option but i dont work heeeeeelp tks
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