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Everything posted by ddl

  1. hey guys air brush choice is solved it will be a gravity feed eclipse but now i need your help for a good compressor.i've found 2 that look good and would like to know your opinion concerning these 2 and maybe you got a better suggestion? here is the model Badger TC910 , Pro modèle as-196 a that look like a clown of the previous but something like 80 bucks less and last one look like a no name so here is a link https://www.amazon.ca/Badger-Air-Brush-Co-TC910-Compressor/dp/B005UH7CVI https://www.amazon.ca/Weberdisplays-Pro-Twin-Compressor-Regulator/dp/B01M0BMTET/ref=sr_1_13?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1505142001&sr=1-13&keywords=air+compressor https://www.amazon.ca/Compressor-Airbrush-Regulator-Pressure-Braided/dp/B014OJFJRQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1505135702&sr=8-2&keywords=airbrush+compressor
  2. ddl

    Iwata Eclipse HP-BCS

    do you still have some?im looking for one ready to use
  3. can we know the model?
  4. ddl

    primer sealer?

    tks everybody for your patience .now i think i know all i need to do
  5. ddl

    primer sealer?

    what kind of primer is best whit createx paint ?so if i use white from createx it will not stick well whit epoxy? what's the point of sanding sealer exactly ?so if i use sanding sealer i will not need epoxy as a sealer right?
  6. ddl

    primer sealer?

    from the website it's the best one for what i need, have a look, but it's pricey .it's a 2 part make almost no bubble and shine a lot
  7. ddl

    primer sealer?

    the problem here is these lures will be used strictly for fish whit giant teeth.so top coat will be destroyed really quick by big 7/0 treble hook or musky jaws .paint chip ,at least at a couple of lures that i use,top coat chip including paint but first layer of ? stay there thanks
  8. ddl

    primer sealer?

    did you sand epoxy before painting ? the major problem i have encounter at guys baits is mostly paint that don't stick well to the bait and them big flake of paint appears
  9. ddl

    primer sealer?

    ok guys so my paint for red western cedar will be createx epoxy will be resinart.but for the rest im kind of lost do i really need both of these products ? if it's the case what brand would you suggest me to match water based paint like createx ?i've read good thing about kilz ? thanks in advance at least after that i think i'll be ready to start lol
  10. what's thr girth on that girl avatar?did you caught her when it was closed?

    1. Musky Glenn

      Musky Glenn

      Didn't take a girth, but she was 46" and weighted 28#2oz. I released it right there. Adger never was closed as far as I know.

    2. ddl


      look bigger than that

  11. ddl

    cedar cranks

    your baits are dope.you really have musky baits style but in a mini size
  12. now if it's not chromed enough i wondering what you want
  13. http://www.dutchforkcustomlures.com/clures/2016-06-11 purple back.jpg
  14. imo this guy is one of the best at chrome http://www.dutchforkcustomlures.com/clures.html
  15. ddl

    hardest clear

    just have a look at art resin it look as good or even better than envirotex.im more confuse now .too many choices that look better than the others
  16. ddl

    hardest clear

    how she's gonna react when is best bottle will be lost?
  17. very good idea.im sure we can make something really good whit the kids toy that spin.i think it's called hand spinner
  18. ddl

    hardest clear

    very good point,i think a mix or something not too hard is better.polyurethane never chip but you get hooks rash after just a day of trolling.i think i will try createx paint and etex it sound well lol and i think it will react well. what's dna?
  19. ddl

    hardest clear

    mg best forum ever,i feel like a vip whit all these quick reply lol
  20. ddl

    hardest clear

    i have a turbine the size of small pizza do you think it's enough to make a painting box
  21. ddl

    hardest clear

    very well explained,tks to you and all the others guys for their reply.i think i make my choice
  22. ddl

    hardest clear

    so true,it look like the good classic have not change at all since many years,wiley,leopardis,minteer, boyer still use poly.it's ok over urethane but over cedar sometimes they don't even last a year when musky are in love whit them.but i still buy them but i should stop specially when it's 40 + bucks a piece .and i think the fume of it is very toxic vs epoxy?
  23. ddl

    hardest clear

    hey guys tks a lot for all your precious reply! so no love for polyurethane?
  24. yeah let's see the lures and the can
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