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Everything posted by ddl

  1. ddl

    photo[1] (2)

    i will not let you know my tough on that......
  2. ddl

    48 pounder

    here is another eastern trophy from my good friend mike philips,this giant pot belly fish will explode during the fall!if you want to have the chance to fish with him he still have some good place left on his boat. caught on my double 13 on a special pathern that will remain secret

    © mike

  3. pm sent tks a lot i live at not even a hour from ott
  4. anyone else? there is not a single one that sell plastisol at the link sometimes it's not funny to live in a small country,it's rare but SOMETIMES
  5. did you ask them if they have any?
  6. #2 RayburnGuy tks a lot for your time
  7. ddl

    Small trolling baits

    it smell rapala paint job!really nicely done
  8. ddl

    Fish 30acre Deluxe Gill

    kind of lazy when you have to make a mold from a real fish!even a new born children can crush a bluegill into mold putty............. just my opinion
  9. ddl

    baby pike v3 spotted edition

    dude you rock! how much do you ask for one??
  10. Hey guys, I would like to try to make my own plastic lure,but my main problem is to find a place to get some plastisol in canada, With google i normally find everything i want but in that case it look like it's gonna be a tough one If someone can share any online stores it would be very appreciate.?
  11. i have never caught a single musky on a paddle tail baits, you?
  12. ddl

    New bait for my arsenal

    wow not a single bass will resist
  13. ddl


    look tasteful
  14. ddl

    6" cedar crankbait

    nice paint job,try to put your eye screw at the same angle of your lip.i will guarantee you a better action and more fish
  15. ddl


    snake?not that skinny............
  17. ddl

    4 Pikies

    pikie always look special,they look big fish catcher,vintage,solid,mythical name it.do you have any video of them in action?
  18. ddl

    Real fish skin tail goodness

    what's the price for one?
  19. ddl


    look sweet ,they will get smashed
  20. ddl

    IMG 3121

    ok we saw the smille can we see the fish now?
  21. ddl

    Gold Brother spinnerbait

    why did you do that kind of twist at the arm?
  22. ddl

    black perch

    blades no5/wire 0.62.why a heavy wire on a so small lure?becasuse it's not going to bent like the shitty 0.51

    © j&d

  23. ddl

    opener beauty

    no idea,sry
  24. i would like to make a trade with you .have a look at my album.nice work!
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