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Oldfart9999 last won the day on June 20 2018

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About Oldfart9999

  • Birthday 05/18/1945

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  1. That should work as well as anything Mark. I'm getting a partial replacement and 2 bones removed, tentative date 6/12, 4 weeks in a cast, 3 to 4 months recovery, I should get the late fall big girl fishing in. Technicolor boogers would be kwel around halloween.LOL Rodney
  2. I use RAL colors from Powder By The Pound. Rodney
  3. Mark, sorry I missed this!! What size is the finest powder you use? That's what I would go with. I have a shop vac with as fine a filter as I could find then I put a cloth filter over that, I spilled some white powder, sucked it up with the vac and blew it out the exhaust, so much for clean up.LOL I would go with a 1 micron filter or smaller if that's what you want to do. The other option is to put a box or plenum behind the exhaust to slow down the air and let the powder drop out. Again, I apologize for the tardy answer. I know I haven't been around much, I've done very little pouring the last few years. I'm going to have my 3rd surgery in 4 years this summer, my left wrist is bone on bone and it's sore as heck. I see the surgeon June 1st, I'll go from there. Rodney
  4. I use mine for swimjigs also, with the EWG hook. The weedguard is nice in light grass. Rodney
  5. I use paraffin from the grocery store, works fine. My pot doesn't get drained unless I'm having a problem. Rodney
  6. This is the one I use, I'm not making for selling just for myself so I don't make as many as most of you. Rodney
  7. Before buying high priced bearings thoroughly clean them and put a drop of high tech oil, something like Hot Sauce or TSI 321, see if that will give you the performance you want. Many times perfectly good bearings are being retired when they will do quite well. Rodney
  8. Hepa is an overused term, you can buy filters that'll let 10 micron and larger through that are called HEPA. A true HEPA, such as for a clean room is very thick and won't fit in a regular frame. Better is to see what the micron count is for the filter and go as small as you can. I worked for a filter manufacturer before I retired. Rodney
  9. When you need more I bought my powder from Powder By the Pound, good prices and I haven't had a problem with their powder. I don't use a lot, I only pour for myself. Rodney
  10. I have a small hand drill, a chuck on a handle that I use when I cure the paint. I do each jig and it works well for me, only takes a few seconds each. I got my pins from Cadman, no problem with them. For 5/64 guards I cut some 5/64 drill rod to about an inch or so long, they pull out easily which makes it easy to do guards, I don't have to cast a jig with the guards in. Rodney
  11. Now you've done it. You're addicted and don't know it yet! You're definitely in the right place, ton of knowledge here. Rodney
  12. You can say what you want about the bans not being based on science or supported by fishing industry, true as it is it is also indisputable that these bans are happening and will continue to happen. Rodney
  13. Yes, it'll do the same thing, use some talc on them when dry and they'll be fine. I remember in the old days when you were done you would swing the jig around your head to dry them. Good way to find out if your knots are any good. Rodney
  14. The Worm head jig should work well also, I'm going to try it later in the winter. Rodney
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