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Everything posted by willie525

  1. do you make 1 color twice or they all one of a kind?
  2. the new evolution jigs are made of tin
  3. a redsnooktrout must look funny! lol
  4. after you paint hold it back in the heat, reeves that sucks about the buzzbaits
  5. remember to just have fun and feel free to ask questions.
  6. willie525

    First Jig

    thats good for a first
  7. what do you mke those out of
  8. you cant buy musky buzzbaits here just big spinny things like woodchoppers. but i go get some striper head and wire and 6 or seven blades and make my own. they usually break or look so crappy i dont even take them out
  9. send me one i probbally wont even fish with it
  10. ive got 1 of those bubble bees my dad gave me. caught a 3.5 lb bass in my pond on 1
  11. just leave it alone looks great right now
  12. willie525

    little minnow dancer

    itd work on browns here too
  13. the poprocks works along with alkaseltzer, i cant use poprocks cause' id eat em lol
  14. willie525

    New Swimbaits My Design

    i could never do something that nice
  15. willie525

    New Swimbaits My Design

    how do i get that? LOL
  16. im working from a 80 hp johnboat but we ordered a new one today!!!
  17. one thing you can do ,but is very limited to color vynal dip ,like for tool handels is dip the jig in it. the jig will not chip as much. be careful it takes practice and has strong fumes you might also want to try stan sloan powder paint it is very strong
  18. that is the coolest paint ever
  19. you send them cause i didnt pick the name
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