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Everything posted by willie525

  1. bass-olive pearch-green chart. orange,black on back bluegill-blue kinda light blue little orange on belly
  2. donkjc2 when you say hot glue do you mean glue or fishing plastic, that probally sounds stuipid
  3. yeah i like to share on places where people aren't close so word gets here later i'm only 13 so i've got all summer and 3 ponds to experiment
  4. i havent tried them yet beacause it been too cold 7-40 degrees but tried them in the aquarium
  5. we smoked our mold and it stuck but sprayed PAM on them and came right out, but when we molded lead the spru wouldn't come off at first and cooled too long and was too cold for the paint
  6. have any of you guys ever poured soft plastic into a jig mold it looks like a jig with a REALY slow fall
  7. willie525

    Musky Marabou's

    baitphotographer that is true about the important things
  8. willie525

    Multi Pours

    you need a big shakey head
  9. willie525


    you can make pimpin colors
  10. willie525

    Swim Jig

    is that a posion tail jig
  11. willie525

    Auction Bait (Cancer)

    how much did it sell for
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