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Everything posted by willie525

  1. willie525

    4" Jointed Swimbait

    do you have a video of it swimming? scoop10, around here in march snowing me and my dad were working a tournament and the winners caught them on a bomber long a waking it on the surface. big jointed swimbaits like these are good for that.
  2. willie525

    Seeker Midget

    i bet pond bass will hit. theyll hit it in mine
  3. willie525

    That Flippin Bug

    thats awesome that would kill the fish in my pond!
  4. willie525

    Rusty Chartreuse

    that looks like a really good color for a craw
  5. thats a good idea... saves money too
  6. those look good how long are they
  7. smallies would kill that....looks like a crawdad
  8. willie525

    more new baits

    i like that color
  9. willie525

    1st Attempt Motor Oil

    i like the setting..kio pond
  10. that red line isnt worth a flip and red hooks scare fish here
  11. willie525


    that is!
  12. willie525

    My First Jigs

    what style head is that?
  13. willie525


    keep em coming!!!
  14. i like craws for flippin, worms are also good
  15. willie525


    nice kinda looks like melted copper
  16. do-it has a shakey head out that you could but a hichhiker on
  17. i know tungsten melts at 6000 degrees farenhight so unless you have a blast furnace i dont think thatll work lol
  18. exactly i throw pink and yellow buzzbaits for largemouth. my dad dosent think it works...i do...i bought a buzzbait with a small spring in the head in january and the guy claims the fish have never seen one before or felt one's vibration ... itd better work for 10 bucks
  19. throwing it out and slowly winding back in so it wobbles on the surface of the water. it should put out ripples. you can do it with long a's by bomber also
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