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Everything posted by Stringjam

  1. Hmmmm......well, I just picked one up, so I'll find out.
  2. I saw one of these the other day (called a Bee-Zee Flat) and I can't find any info on it anywhere - great looking balsa crank. Does anyone know anything or have any info on these?
  3. All sizes work (I dig the 5" most) and so do most of the the natural and unnatural colors (one of the best days I ever had on a Slug-Go I was using bubblegum - and our highland lakes are very clear). If I could only use one for the sake of versatility, it would be some sort of pearl, but if you're catching 3 to 5 lb. bass than by all means buy some more of what you're using......it sounds like you're already on the right track.
  4. Will do - - I haven't talked to anybody on any other forum who has used them yet....guess they're more obscure than I thought...oh well, they look nice.
  5. Hi everybody - this is my first post here (been visiting in the shadows for quite some time, however). Great forum you guys have going, with some incredibly skilled folks judging by the pics in the gallery section. I was wondering if anybody here has had any experience with crankbaits from Catching Concepts? I just purchased some that I plan on putting through the paces next year. I dig fishing cranks of all sorts, but I've just recently looked into some of the smaller company/hand carved options out there - - so feel free to discuss any recommendations or companies you've had good experiences with (including your own - - I'm not sure who here actually sells their creations). Anyway - - here's a pic I took of a couple of the C.Concepts - -
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