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Everything posted by bassbug

  1. I'm with you JD. I have about an oz. left of the Del rootbeer What to do?
  2. bassbug

    divided pot

    Great setup. If you don't mind, were did you find the pan? I can't say that I have ever seen one like it.
  3. I am with Jim, a little time in the oven and you will never know it's there.
  4. I leave LC in the 5 gal bucket, it is easier to stir with a drill and paint strirrer that way. I leave a stainless steel measuring cup hanging on the side of the bucket to dip the plastic with. It hangs on a small wire over the lip of the bucket. The lid still closes tight.
  5. I remember seeing your heating method on here before Longhorn, glad you posted it. I did notice the pans you are using. They have a well formed pour spout. Did you make them or buy them? I have been forming my own spouts on metal one cup measuring cups, they are o.k. but those pans look a lot better.
  6. Can only say good things about a guy that just shared his Greenpumpkin recipe. I am sure Dave would do the same.
  7. Makes sense, I did not find anything under crock pot or crockpot. Did find some interesting stuff under crackpot.
  8. I will give it a try, thanks.
  9. I tried a search on "slow cooker", did not find anything. Any idea what to search for?
  10. Has anyone tried to use a slow cooker to keep plastic hot enough to dip baits.
  11. Point well taken. Thanks Jim and Bear.
  12. I think I saw information about this once before here, but I can not find it by doing a search. Or, I am not searching for the right word(s). Are the various brand additives, i.e., softener, heat stabilizer, hardener, etc., interchangeable with the various brands of liquid plastics? For instance: will M-F softener work in PollyOne plastic, will LC heat stabilizer work in M-F plastic?
  13. The closest tutorial I could find was for a Bomber. It was a similar bait. I was looking for a company that made a reproduction Mudbug. Thanks for your help.
  14. Anyone making any lures like the old Arbogast Mud Bug? I did a search on Mudbug, did not come up with much. Bassbug
  15. Some time back there was a lot of discussion in regards to the LC pressure pot. If I remember correctly, one of the members bought one, sent it back and built his own. It looks like an awesome setup. But, I have not tried one.
  16. I pour the first half of the mold and let it set overnight. Then, coat areas that will be exposed to the second half lightly with vaseline and pour the DWP. Let mold set overnight, separate the two parts and seal with Elmer's Glue mixed 50/50 with water. Thinned epoxy is also a very good method to seal the mold. Whenever possible, I let the mold cure without drying in the oven, the mold has less hairline cracks with this method and seems to be stronger. This method has worked well so far for me.
  17. "RUSTY STICK" 1/2 cup plastic 1 tablespoon DEL salt 20 drops LC Oxblood 10 drops Del red 1/8 teaspoon Del Red, Super Hilight Powder
  18. I have one of bojon's dvd/cd's headed my way. Also, I purchased the "Ultimate Worm Recipes" cd/ book a few weeks back. Awesome color reference guide.
  19. I will do some more searching and see what I can find. Thanks
  20. I am going to get his CD and check out his method. I still need some way to dip swim baits. PS: Where did you get the name HEADSHOT. We have a guy here in the office we refer to as headshot, he was a sniper in the Marines.
  21. After a google search and some TU searches it appears that the Presto Fry Daddy does not have a thermostat. So much for that idea. Any recommendations for a device to cook and keep plastic hot for dipping tubes and swim baits. I have a presto pot but you have to cook a lot of plastic to get any depth. I don't think you get enough depth with the Lee Pots either. For tubes, I think you need a depth of at least 6" and for swim baits probably about 8" or more.
  22. Thanks for all the helpful information. I too will take a look at horizontal tube dipping. Sounds like fun anyway. Now, has anyone tried using a Fry Daddy for tube or swim bait dipping. Or, what would you recommend for same.
  23. Del is on it, I had the same issues when I stared pouring. Some plastics settle to the bottom others don't, either way the liquid plastic needs mixed well before heating. If the liquid plastic is not cooked long enough or to the proper temp it well not set up properly.
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