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Everything posted by Orion

  1. That was the first jig that I've tried tying with more then 2 marabou colors. I might try that some time. Thanks.
  2. Hehe, I've used both of those knots. I forgot to say what knots I use... -For connecting lines together like Fire Line and Flouro, I use a Uni to Uni knot. -For jigging I use a... loop knot? You put the line through the eye and double it up then loop that around your pointer and middle finger and put the jig through 3 times. -Some times I'll use a trilene knot for trolling and cranking/jerking. -Almost all of the rest of the time ill use a Palomar knot. ( I mainly use Fire Line and it's one of the best knots for Fire Line so... and it's easy to tie.)
  3. What are everyone favorite fishing knots for different applications and different line?? Jigging? Casting? Trolling? Different types of lures? Super Lines (ex. Fire Line)? Mono? Flouro? Etc.
  4. HAHAHA... So does that mean you're for F1 (for enjoyment) as well VMan??
  5. F1 is much better IMHO. I know that I'd rather watch cars race on an actual track that has hair-pin turns and loops etc. Not watch cars go around in a circle. Just my opinion.
  6. But you have to order sometinhg for the vacuming... you could just cut whatever shapes you need into a piece of plastic from home depot and use it over and over. I don't know how those vacum thingys work. I think just a plain and simple stencil would work.
  7. Mad house indeed Vman... mad house indeed.....
  8. They do still have stripers at The Butte. I'm just going to use it when I get a chance. Once the weather warms up my dad and I are going out to Butte, Bluewater, Conchas, and Cochati. When I go up to college I'll have a bunch of lakes around my in Fort Collins so I'll use my jigs there too. Why were you driving 55mph?? why not 85?? Every year my family goes to Minnesota during the summer for a family reunion because almost all of my mom's side is in MN. We drive every other year... 23 hours is pretty bad...
  9. Wow... Wish we got that snow here ... wait a second that's probably the storm the hit use last week... just a lot worse. Hehe... come back storm I don't wanna go to school.
  10. Here are some pictures of the fire tiger jig I just finished tying. The pictures don't really give it justice. It has 4 different colors of marabou; black on bottom, "insect" green above black, chartreuse above the green , and then orange. It's tied with red thread to match the hook and add just a little more red into the jig. Let me know what you think. If you see any things that I could have done better, please tell me. http://s254.photobucket.com/albums/hh89/crimson_death216/?action=view&current=FireTigerJig2.jpg You can see some of the details in this picture but not the colors as well... http://s254.photobucket.com/albums/hh89/crimson_death216/?action=view&current=FireTigerJig1-1.jpg This one is a little blurry but you cant see colors...
  11. That's exactly what I was thinking. That new Gulp Alive has tons of scent. You could just take a little and have tons of vaseline scent too.
  12. Why not just get like a big ol' piece of wood and carve out little dimples into to keep the floats from rolling. then just make a stencil to fit over the wood and cut whatever shapes you need into the stencil according to where the floats are in the wood, then just spray one side let it dry for a little and spray the other. Might be a little work but its reusable and you could just do like 25 at a time or something. I don't know if it'll work just and idea I thought of.
  13. I have no idea...... I'd just buy some liquid scent like shad scent or crawfish and use the vaseline technique with a little bit of the liquid. Then you have liquid and vaseline.
  14. Nice job. You should just add eyes to the foiled one a clear coat it.
  15. Geeze rhahn. Do you paint cars and stuff to??
  16. You can make scent with vaseline. Just put a container of vaseline in the microwave for like 15 sec or just until you see it become liquidy. Then you can add garlic powder and/or garlic juice and stir (or another scent you want to do). Just let it harden and you'll have a long lasting jar of garlic scent. Another option is to buy some liquid scent and add a little of it to the vaseline. Plus a tiny bit of the scented vaseline on your hands will mask any soap or gas or other scents that the fish wont like.
  17. I'm pulling a blank.... but then again I was never good a id'ing cranks.
  18. Eagle Nest is fun. The only problem with it is that it get really windy about mid day because of where it located in the valley. I've never used a Polish Slip... I might try it some time.
  19. Hehe, I was only kidding. It's quite good for first time. I don't think I could do as good.
  20. I've never tried but I'm sure I could make my own lables. I am and have taken classes for photoshop, quark, indesign, dreamweaver. My only enjoyable classes.
  21. A lil wrinkly but still looks pretty good for your first one.... (not that I could do any better.....) Nice job.
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