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Everything posted by Orion

  1. Orion

    Tying area

    I use my computer desk to tie on and a small pastic case type thingy to hold my materials. I just started tying so I don't have to much material yet. If I ever get into retail I'm sure my tying area will be like those.
  2. Ok, sounds like a plan to me. I have no idea about the bleach... It damages everything else so I'd figure it would do something bad to deer hair but I'm not sure.
  3. Orion

    Lake Erie Walleye Lures

    I like the golden stripy one
  4. Whats wrong with creamy white?? Hehe.
  5. That's what I was thinking. I saw the booth and the big hose but still. That... stuff... is pretty bad for you. There have been a lot of amazing spraypaint artist that have died from ingesting the fumes.
  6. I'd recommend using the search tool. Use words like airbrush, compressor, painting. Many people on this site also use Rattle Cans. The cans are a good idea if you just want to get a feel for the colors and such with out spending the couple hundred on airbrushing supplies. PS. more... expirenced people should reply soon this is just my 2cents.
  7. I've lived in NM all 18 years of my life and never seen a rattlesnake...
  8. I'll have time, it'll only be part time VMan.
  9. I've been tying some awesome panfish jigs the past few days I'll try to post some up when I can.
  10. My local fly tying shop carries holo' eyes. Hehe.
  11. No one answered my question lol...
  12. Haha, VMan, what else is on that "list"? Hehe.
  13. I own the 155-7.... haven't used it yet... don't have a compressor, soon, once I get my job. Hehehe.
  14. I think it would be awesome and more realistic. Why not give it a try and see what happens?
  15. I need to start pouring my own jig heads too.... Maybe once I get a job... Hahaha.
  16. Haha. I saw some of those tiny hooks at my local fly fishing shop... I thought about it and decided not to hurt myself trying. Lol.
  17. Orion


    Those are sweet. You gonna add some plastic tentacles? That'd be cool.
  18. Shouldn't he be wearing a respirator?? I've seen his work before. Just amazing.
  19. Orion

    Craft fur

    Haha, love the description. Never used the stuff... I prolly never will now.
  20. Orion


    I just tied a few like that for my own use. But Mine had a white head and brown fur. Cuz I ran outa black.
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