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Troul Hawk

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Everything posted by Troul Hawk

  1. I am thinking it is Tim Hortons time to shine. I don't know, I just have this feeling he might do it. Although, this is looking to be a KVD type of spring nasty grit it out tournament. Ya never can rule out KVD. I know one thing, it would shuck to run from the dam all the way to Clemson.....I can't WAIT to watch the coverage.
  2. TJ's has a video on his site about how they paint a spoon with a brush. You tap a brush of powder onto the heated spoon. I have been painting my jigs with this method and it allows you to place the paint on the jigs pretty evenly and I haven't had to worry about the eyes or holes filling up. I don't have a fluid bed, but I have read that it is better about excess paint as well. I bake my jigs as well after I paint them.
  3. I am going to make a "high tear strength" RTV mold soon. I will let you know how it turns out. The regular stuff was OK, for me, but I had problems with the mold "degrading"( meaning it didn't seal as well and the edges started to tear and loose some detail) after a few hundred pours.
  4. There is a cool thing that NAFC has on their show. "Knot wars" http://www.fishingclub.com/Main/default.aspx
  5. Good point! Basseducer, I have gotten pretty good with my bodkin, although if I have too much caffeine I can get some overslop. I will see how steady I can be with the hard-as nails. Here is something that ya'll might find funny. Generally I have my packages I order sent to work here, so that I can drool over them faster. A couple of weeks ago I was expecting an order from Charles at fishingskirts.com as I approached the gal at the fron t desk, I asked: 'Has a package come for me from fishingskirts.com?" She looked at me with the strangest of looks. To which I broke the silence by saying.... " I have a cute little black number coming and I can't wait to get it!" Then I just walked away. (BTW I am 5'9 and 250 lbs.....You get the picture I am painting here). Hehhehehehehehhe
  6. Thanks for that Stream! I even have some on hand, when I hand painted my jigheads I used it to cover the paint. Loved it for that, sometimes the tool you need is sitting right under your nose! I am excited to think that I might be able to get away from the super glue blues.
  7. I like to use thread too, unwaxed will soak up a drop of super glue and is rock hard after it dries. Just be careful to keep the glue away from the rubber/silicone. I would be interested in trying other methods to see if I like it more tho.
  8. I have to agree, Charles is a #1 class act. I have also bought from Livingrubber and they have been great as well. There are some of the jigs I made with the skirts in the 'Jigs" portion of the photo album. ( Just a little boasting...LOL) http://www.tackleunderground.com/photos/index.php?n=2095
  9. Some of my new skirt combos
  10. Some of my new skirt combos
  11. A few of my new skirt combos
  12. A few of my new skirt combos
  13. A few of my new skirt combos
  14. I have fished that color some, but I must admit gave up on it pretty quickly. Is there anything that the Tomato color is really good for(say dingy water, deep water, I dunno....) Anyone care to share a secret.
  15. I poured about 6 dozen last night with the drill bit method, and they came out perfectly:yeah:. I plugged it again while powder coating, and the weed guards fit so nicely that while I was epoxying most of them "snapped" into place.
  16. I personally don't do any carving, but because I get my RTV from Micro-mark, I get the catalog and it has a bunch of small tool carving/dremel stuff. Thought I would mention it, just in case you haven't seen them before. http://www.micromark.com/ Oh, and it seems like the catalog has much more than the website, but then again sometimes these things can be hidden.
  17. When I modified mine I found that if I took a fine tip sharpie and made the line, then etched the path slowly several times with an awl it gave my dremel a path to follow and it didn't want to jump as much. I think the key is to always go reeeeaaaaalllll slow. Also remember it is only the fine bit of metal just near the lead hole that matters, everything after that can be sloppy. So better to work from the bottom up. Saves time in the end with less sprue to cut off.
  18. Well, I think of it this way. 'If you ain't got nothin' nice to say....don't say it at all." By that token I agree that some issues with very corrupt internet companies, bad sellers etc. should be listed somewhere on the site so that we can help others avoid problems. Then those people should have a way to refute or resolve the issue and clear their name. BUT is this the right place for that kinda thing. Solution: How about using one of online "complaint" sites and then link to that thread. Some even have a refute and resolution process already established. I don't know which anyone would prefer, www.complaints.com or www.pissedconsumer.com, etc. What I see about making positive comments like CreekMonster did, is to help us all find resources that make our lives easier and happier (not to mention help us all make better products to catch more feesh). Just food for thought. P.S.- Not a hijack. I LOVE Janns' as well and I had the very same experience this week myself.
  19. Hi Mike, I am from Maryville as well, and still a newbie on most everything, but I can tell you I have learned it all from here.
  20. One way to stay on top of what is happening and not fill up an E-mail account is to utilize the RSS feed. I can see all of the new posts in a single list and scan them for stuff I am interested in. I don't know all that much about it, I set mine up through Google reader, as part of my gmail account, and it was easy to do.
  21. Another fine place to thank you fellas for all of your hard work. Thanks!!!!!
  22. Hey BigFishin, I am in Knoxville, I had read about this starting up and wondered if I could help in some way. Do the club members ever need to get in a rig to practice? (I presume most don't have a ride close by, might be wrong on that one). Send me a PM if you think I could help ya out. How many members are in the UT team?
  23. Troul Hawk

    3d eyes

    Vman, I was reading your post and when you dismissed using RTV had you considered trying the mold release they sell? It works great for creating a two part RTV mold, so the silicone shouldn't stick ( I am pretty certain all it is is wax dissolved in some sort of solvent). The nice thing I see about this is that the RTV could be flexed allowing you to "pop" the lenses out. Also could create a mold with enough holes to make a bunch of eyes at once. For the lens material I see they sell a solution to create clear water for model train scenes. Wonder if that would work? Here it is on Micro-marks' website, they don't have the easiest site to navigate, but they have a wonderful catalog. The PDF of it is online. It is on page 107. http://www.micromark.com/catalogpdf/100-109.pdf
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