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mark poulson

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mark poulson last won the day on March 21

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About mark poulson

  • Birthday 08/23/1947

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  • Location
    Antioch, CA

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  1. Guys, I think it would be smart to share this info in a non-public manner, in case something might be considered a no-no by some govt. agency.
  2. I'm trying to learn what colors bass actually see. Someone here posted a chart/list of the colors bass actually see, but I can't find it now. Can anyone here help me? Thanks in advance.
  3. Are there any commercially available square bills on the market today that hunt (swim with an erratic action)?
  4. You could always make one out of POP.
  5. It looks like an overspray, like they sprayed the black on with some kind of soft plastic paint.
  6. The Baitplastics med hard that had sat for over a year and separated worked just fine once I stirred well.
  7. Lureworks report. Their cinnamon works great! And the Bait Plastic med hard that had sat for over a year and separated worked just fine once I stirred well. So now I'm a pouring fool again! Hahaha
  8. Lurepartsonline sells the unpainted spinnerbait bodies. https://www.lurepartsonline.com/1584HW
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