I am no expert, but there are videos on Youtube showing how to do it.
Here's how I do it:
I use rod wrapping thread on a bobbin, a 15 year old Cabela's cast iron rotating fly tying vise (cheap) and some home poured jigs (from a friend who pours). I do the powder coating.
I lock the jig hook in the vise, facing down, and wrap enough thread around the shank of the jig to hold without falling off, typically four or five overlapping turns.
I add my skirt materials in layers, starting at the bottom. The first lay will be the outermost when you're done. I use three wraps of thread for each layer.
I use rubber for my first layer, and then parts of silicone skirt tabs to add accent.
After I add the bottom colors, I rotate the vise to the side and add another set of layers, and do the other side the same way.
Then I rotate the vise so the jig faces up, and do my top layers.
I do a couple more thread wraps, and then two half hitches to secure the thread.
At this point you can add a drop of nail polish or super glue to lock the threads, and then cut the bobbin off close after it's dry.
I actually us gardening wire to wrap over my thread, two times, and twist the 1 1/2" tag ends with a pair of small needle nose vise grip pliers.
I twist it tight, pull up to cinch the skirt more, and twist up the slack I've created.
I leave about 1" of twist, cut off the tag ends, and bend the twisted wire back toward the hook, so I have a holder for my soft plastic trailers.
Bear in mind, I just make stuff for myself, but this works for me.
Good luck.