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mark poulson

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Everything posted by mark poulson

  1. I don't know if there is something wrong with what you bought, but I use Solarez Dual Cure resin a lot, and like it. I dip it, and let it hang to drip off over the dipping jar. I do it away from both sunlight, even reflected, and LED lights, which shine in the UV spectrum, too. Once it's stopped dripping, I wipe any excess off the tail hanger with a paper towel, and hang them in my UV nail box for three minutes. I find it's fine with lighter colors, but I do see some blushing with darker colors. I've been told to buff away the blush, but, so far, it hasn't been bad enough to worry about; Call Gary Fisher at Solarez, (800) 875-3833, and tell him what your having a problem with. He's really good to talk to, and smart about his products, too. He'll help you sort it out.
  2. Lure Parts Online sells belly weights with a hook hanger. They work really well for me. I use mostly the 2 and 3 gram, but I bought the 5 gram, too, because they are still 1/4" diameter, and I shorten them to get between 3 and 5 grams. They are a harder lead alloy, so I score them deeply with a drywall knife, and then use diagonal pliers to cut them. Because they are a harder lead, they snap off with a square end, instead of pinching with a point.
  3. I've looked all over, and can't find them anywhere. I even tried the Mustad site, but no dice.
  4. If you're just pouring for yourself, use Baitjunkys. Leonard pours, has everything, and is reasonably priced for a hobby pourer. Plus he only sells stuff that works.
  5. How do the sliding bars allow a core shot?
  6. How long do you let it dry/cure before you try and transfer the decal?
  7. Here are two picture of fish that ate big baits I made that shouldn't have eaten such a big bait. One is my buddy with a small largemouth on an 8" trout, and the other is a smallie I caught on another 8" bait. I used to make and sell jointed swimbaits, so I always had several tied on, and fished them a lot. I fish dirtier water now, so I don't fish them as much anymore, but I'm going to throw them more this year.
  8. Would Rustoleum X2 Gloss work?
  9. Does Createx still sell the 4011 reducer? I hope this isn't a thread hijack, since thinning his paint to get it to spray better is one solution offered. If it is, I apologize.
  10. John Derrick was a lucky SOB!
  11. I don't pour resin, but I've been making baits for a few years, and one thing I've learned is to use the lightest material that I can, because it makes the liveliest baits. That's why balsa baits shine! Of course, it has to be strong enough to actually do the job, and not to fail when I have a fish on. I can always add ballast to get it to be heavier, but having to try and lighten a bait after it's made is a real struggle.
  12. And coating the area you're going to drill with runny super glue first will keep tearout to a minimum.
  13. There are only so many variables that could be the cause. 1. Air brush itself...bad nozzle/needle, interior crack (very unlikly) 2. Dirty air brush 3. Bad/thick paint 4. Bad air pressure Of course, I left off the one that continues to plague me...operator error. Hahaha Seriously, something's causing it, so just go step-by-step and check each variable. You'll find it eventually, unless, of course, it is the other sock.
  14. You might try taking that picture into a local nail salon and asking someone there.
  15. I knew I was past my use by date when I put that picture over my bed, and took down the one of Raquel Welch.
  16. Number one, call Spazstix and ask them. Number two, a clear acrylic that won't yellow, like the water based finish used for maple floors. Number three, try Rustoleum X2 Clear Gloss. It seems to make the colors pop on my cranks, but I haven't tried it on a chrome paint yet. It's $6 for a spray can, so it won't hurt too bad if it doesn't work for your chrome. It'll still work for other color cranks, two coats.
  17. Man, that a really intricate process, and you make it look simple. Lots of skills involved. Good for you!!!
  18. No. The acetone flashes off quickly, so I just let it hang for a few minutes, and then paint. If I'm doing a bunch of new blanks I'll leave them hanging from opened paper clips over my bench until I'm ready to paint them. As long as I don't touch them with my bare hands they will be okay for at least a week. If it's longer than a week, I'll do another quick dip and then paint.
  19. mark poulson


    I try for a slow rise in cold water when I build/paint. I'm pretty sure it will suspend in warmer water. Then I use my choice of line, either mono to help rise more, or fluoro to get it to suspend or slow sink, and line size matters, too. For me that makes on the water adjustments much easier.
  20. Do a small test with a piece of one of you baits in a salsa cup, before you try in on a real bait.
  21. Frank, don't you have a video on dipping those swimbaits?
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