I had some stripers bend out the #8 hooks on a Duo Realis spybait, and the same thing for some bass on a Zip Baits Orbit 80 jerkbait with #8 hooks.
But I find the smaller, lighter wire treble hooks usually bury past the barb more easily, so they don't get thrown as much.
If you have to horse a fish out of cover, you may bend the hooks out and lose the fish.
I stuck a 7 on a homemade spybait, and one of the rear treble #6 hooks had gone all the way through it's lower lip, so I had to use pliers to unhook it.
I was fortunate. I was throwing shallow, up onto a sand bar, and then bringing my bait back out over a ledge, where the fishe were waiting. My fish hit like a striper, and I had it on a crank rod with 12lb fluoro, so I just let it dive and tire itself out against my bend rod and thumb on the spool. I had just caught a striper, so I that's what I thought this fish was, too, and the first I knew it was a largemouth is when I finally got it up to the boat.
I think you can see in the photo I was very happy;