I found out that moving the ballast up above the centerline, a line from the front screw eye to the rear screw eye, so 1/3 of the ballast is above it, makes the baits wobble.
I made two similar baits, both weighted that way, and put the 1" pointy props on one, and the 5/8" rounder, smaller props on the other.
When I swam them, the one with the smaller props wobbled, but no the other one, so I swapped out the props, putting the smaller props on the non-wobble bait. Lo and behold, it wobbled, too. So it looks like the larger props kind of overpower the wobble action, at least on the baits I make.
Drilling out the center hole on the smaller props, so they go over the .072 screw eyes, leaves very little metal around the eye shaft. So I am going to shorten two of the 1" props to 5/8", and see if that works. I hope it does, so I'll have more metal around the pivot hole.
It's been in the 30's here that last two mornings, warming to the 50's, so I'm not up to more than two hours in my unheated garage before it's time to come in and defrost. So I'll play around with the props again tomorrow, and report what I find.