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mark poulson

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Everything posted by mark poulson

  1. Is there a UV flashlight for charging the paint at night?
  2. Erik, You already have the hair down!
  3. Bob said it all early on in this thread. If you mask the bill with blue painter's tape before you sand, you shouldn't scratch it. Some older cranks with painted bills aren't made from clear plastic. I think that was to eliminate a base coat in the painting process, so you won't be able to get them down to clear.
  4. Is that like finding that half the nails you bought have the head on the wrong end?
  5. Pete, Put that TM on the outside and fish out of it!
  6. Does anyone make a black grape like that?
  7. If you snag something in a bikini, and it's over 12" and 18 years of age, do you have to throw it back?
  8. I use the 4011 reducer that is made Auto Aire. Scroll down to see it: http://www.coastairbrush.com/products.asp?cat=128 As for small imperfections, it depends on how small, and what top coat you're using. I sand down to 200+ grit, and then paint, followed by a top coat of Solarez, which is thick enough (I dip it) that it smooths everything over. When I use a urethane, or some similar thin top coat, I'll fill with Bondo after I shape, and then sand that smooth before I paint. I don't seal with D2T, so I can't answer that part of your question.
  9. I knew I wasn't the only sick puppy here! Hahaha
  10. Here's an idea that should make the wife/mom happy, get kids interested in fishing early, and buy some homefront support for our lure making addiction. Since a lot of us test our lures in the bath tub, how about coming up with line of hookless cranks that can be used as bath toys for kids. It's tempting to say to copy stuff like Sponge Bob, but we all know those things are copyrighted to death, so don't do that. But I bet you could still come up with some fun, custom shaped and finished lure bodies that the kids would love. We make fish and craw knockoffs, but there's no reason not to use other shapes, ones that work the same, but might intrigue the kids more. My kids and grand kids are too old for this now, but I'm sure lots of you have kids and/or grand kids that would love to have some snazzy new bath toy. If it's a clown colored crank bait, or a mouse with a swimming tail, who knows, you just might hook them as a fishing buddy, too. You could start with rejects that you won't fish, with their hooks removed, and go on from there. Even larger "baits" that little ones can't choke on to start with. I'm probably preaching to the choir, and you're all doing this already, but, just in case you're not, think about it.
  11. For some one piece rat wake baits I made, I put a Spro swivel into the tail location, and used a hitch hiker to attach a plastic worm for a tail. That makes it easy to change tails, and the Spro swivels last as long as the bait. Hitch hikers, even the sst ones, have a finite life, and will fail long before the lure dies.
  12. I guess we all should have been mortgage bankers and brokers. They never missed a beat!
  13. I'm with Travis, and I think with most everyone else here. Once you have your initial profile cut out, go to hand tools. Small baits and rotary cutters are a disaster waiting to happen. It only takes one mistake, and you've got "customized" fingers for a lifetime. I've got the scars to prove it.
  14. You can make cardboard profile templates of the bait you like, and use it, along with some calipers, to duplicate lure shapes. If you like a lure shape, and it works for you, laminate the cardboard onto some 1/8" masonite, and cut your shape out in the masonite. It will last you a long time. One tip is to write dimensions that are important, right onto the profile template so you have it handy when you go to make another.
  15. I made some using Super Sculpey clay. I shaped the lure, laid a plano divider into it where I wanted the slot, and put another layer of clay over the divider to form the other side. When I baked the clay to harden it, the plano divider seemed to melt on the outside, but, once the clay was cool, the divider came right out, and I had a perfect hook slot in my master. I use silicone to make a mold, and it pours great.
  16. Yes, if the wood you are using is strong. I know largemouth bass are really a sunfish, like bluegill, but are you really getting into 3lb panfish?
  17. Here is a good place to look: https://fishingskirts.com/fishing-skirts-categories/skirt-making-material/barbed-wire
  18. Try heating your blades. Hahaha There is nothing sadder than a ramp that's frozen over, unless it's totally out of the water, like here in CA.
  19. Thanks. I hope this is closer to what happens. Fingers crossed!
  20. Awe, come on, a nice blue ring around the lip is a great "custom" feature! Hahaha
  21. Thanks for posting the response from Solarez. I may try hitting my black lures with the hair dryer to bring the wax up more quickly, although I worry that it may make the resin too runny. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I'm still intimidated by the idea of masking anything that goes together with those tight tolerances. Maybe it's just me being afraid I'd never get it reassembled. Hahaha
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