I'm guessing lots of TU people do this, but I've never seen it posted, so I have dibs on the idea!
I've been air brushing for a few years now, with Createx-type water based paints, and a light bulb finally went on during my last painting session.
I always have a tupperware full of water next to my painting station that I use to clean my brushes.
I would typically dip a cup full of water out with the air brush, and back flush and clean over another tupperware several times.
Then I'd leave the brush in the second tupperware, tip down, to keep the tip wet until I was ready for the next color.
Well, the last time I painted, I did something different.
I dipped the dirty brush into the big tupperware water tub, and held it underwater in that tub while I back flushed it, instead of dipping water out and doing it over the second tupperware.
Wow, is that easy!! Since I change that water after each painting session, so I'd have clean water for the next session, the water never gets dirty enough to not work.
And I back flush longer, so it cleans better. As long as I keep both the tip and cup underwater, there is very little backsplash and mess, and I think it really helps me keep the brush cleaner between colors.
I keep the trigger assembly out of the water, and just dip the tip and cup into the water when I backflush.
It sure makes cleaning between colors fast and easy.
My forehead is flatter now. Doh!!!