I chimed in with a "me too" too quickly, without reading enough about what was actually going on.
I'll take a lot of heat from my fishing friends for saying this, but I think WalMart is being responsible in what they're doing.
I grew up in the '50s, in Venice, CA, when the Santa Monica Bay was alive with fish.
The bay used to be full of sardines, anchovies, and huge schools of bonita and barricuda, which preyed on the bait fish.
I remember when white sea bass were almost trash fish. Then they were overharvested to the point where, without the stocking programs the state instituted, they would have been gone from our waters.
Fortunately, both the white sea bass, and the squid they feed on, have made a strong recovery.
But commercial fishing, especially with drag nets, and mostly foreign commercial fishing more recently, had decimated our rock fish stocks.
It is a shame that, once again, the many have to suffer due to the sins of the few, but closing the sea in coastal areas is the only way to insure the rebound of the fisheries. Quotas and voluntary compliance just haven't worked.