I have made two piece hard baits, and the only way I found to get good action in them is to add a lip.
Otherwise, I would keep the forward facing V, nested into a concave V rear face of the front section, and eliminate the boot tail completely. The two lure sections will swim in an S shaped glide bait action. In your case, the boot tail is dampening the action, like a wind sock, not enhancing it.
If you want more action with no lip, make a three piece bait, with no weight in the tail section and a looser rear joint. It will flap like a flag in the wind on a fast retrieve. But keep the tail thin, with a simple vertical design. You don't need the tail to impart action in the bait, you want it to be able to move freely once the action has been passed on down to it by the two previous sections. Think Dave's vortices, passing along the sides of the bait, and really activating the tail section.