I have a feeling you may be missing a step in your cleaning process that makes it much faster, and cuts down on the amount of acetone, or any cleaning solution, that's needed.
I haven't yet tried the Future, but this is how I clean my brushes.
Between colors, I backflush and clean with a water and dishwashing liquid mixture, but, when I'm done with my painting session, here's my final cleaning routine.
I wear a nitrile glove on my left hand when I paint, and when I clean my brush, since I hole my crankbaits in my hand a lot of the time to paint them, and I'm right handed.
I back flush with acetone by covering the nozzle tip with my left index finger, and then shooting the acetone through at full air pressure, full paint. That forces the solvent back up through the cup, or back into the bottle on my siphon brush, and does a great job cleaning out the tiny air holes in the nozzle.
It doesn't take a lot of acetone to clean out all the paint.
I use a small fine bristle brush, dipped in the acetone, to clean out the nozzle tip, where dried paint accumulates as I paint.
I then remove the needle, wipe off any paint and solvent, and then push it back and forth in the hole to get any remaining paint out, and shoot some more acetone through the brush to get any last paint out.
Then I put my water/detergent mix into the bowl, backflush and shoot some of it through the brush to remove the remaining acetone and to lube the needle, and it's set for the next time I want to paint.
I'll probably use acetone after each Future-thinned paint, because BobP said he noticed the Future sets up strong in the needle hole, and I don't want to have to use pliers to get it moving again. Silly me.