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mark poulson

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Everything posted by mark poulson

  1. mark poulson

    Mackerel Swimbait

    That's a clever idea for tail matl., and should be strong enough to hold up to salt water fish, for sure. I accidentally learned that, by putting ballast only in the head of my PVC floaters, no matter the size, I get the same tailing action. The PVC is heavy enough to float just between the horizontal and vertical, so my tails (thanks Captsully) actually kind of flop back and forth if there's any kind of a breeze. I use heavier .092 stainless screw eyes ane bike spokes for the hinge system, plus I hang a ST41 1/0 to 3/0 Owner treble from the third section in my four piece lures, so that adds weight to the tail section. And they are really active, even on the slowest retrieve. Reminds me of a bonefish in shallow water, or a trout sunning at the surface. Happy accident. One of many. Just proves the old saying, "I'd rather be lucky than good".
  2. The vinyl lure paint I use is a solvent based paint. If I were you, I'd paint up a couple of samples and try different "barrier" coatings until I figured out how to stop the bleeding, or I'd switch to another top coat. I use a vinyl lure paint clear to coat my jigs. I get some interesting effects when I color the lure heads with alternating stripes of color with sharpies, and then dip them in the lure clear after they've dried. The colors run enough to blend the edges together, and I get a cool looking marbled effect.
  3. mark poulson

    First Trout attempt

    Nice looking trout. Good paint scheme, and detailing. I'm going to mix up some of your leaf green/black paint and try it out. You might try what I use, and see if it works for you, too. I use apple barrel mossy green, and a couple drops of transparent dark brown. Then I spray a light coat of trans. dark brown over the back.
  4. mark poulson


    Nice job. And I love your picture background. My favorite rods, hands down. I mean, any rod line that features a Low Rider series can't be all wrong.
  5. mark poulson

    Mackerel Swimbait

    Holy mackerel! Sorry, couldn't resist. That looks great. Use strong line. You're gonna get hammered! What did you use for the tail?
  6. If I'm understanding you, you're using a water-based paint, and a water-based clear. If so, this should help. Heat set the paint, then try spraying a coat of Krylon pastel fixative before you top coat, to make a barrier between the paint and the top coat.
  7. Good work! That photo finish is the best!
  8. That's a beautiful lure. I've never seen a perch in real life, just on TV and in books, but it looks great. I also want to thank you for the paint source hookup. I'm hooked on the Wicked Colors White and Black. I like how quickly the Wicked Colors heat set. And the gloss is great. I use them both as a base for my scale patterns. How are the Auto Born colors different?
  9. You are really good at painting, for a first-timer with an airbrush. I've never used the Krylon Urethane as a topcoat, but I use their primer, spray glitter, and pastel fixative, and love them. Let us know how the urethane holds up as a topcoat.
  10. Another TU member, Nathan Bettencourt, suggested mixing the glitter with Minwax Polyacrylic, and then brushing it on. I do that now, and it works great. It dries clear, takes epoxy fine, and really lets the glitter sparkle and shine. Seafoam, I love the idea of the coffee grinder. Super fine glitter sounds great! Thanks for the tip!
  11. If you build a wheel like the one in the tutorial you'll never be sorry.
  12. I wouldn't go any smaller than the .03 tip, or you'll surely have trouble spraying the pearl paint without thinning it, which means a lot more coats. If you go the thinner route, use the reducer/thinner that Createx recommends, or a small amount of Windex. Too much thinning can make the paint film weak, and make it bond poorly. Do a test on a piece of PVC pipe with a small batch of thinned paint first to make sure it works before you start painting a lure. Heat set after each coat with a hair dryer. Start on low speed fan and high heat, so you don't chase the wet paint around on the lure, and then finish with the higher fan speed, if you have a two speed/heat setting hair dryer. The hotter you can get the paint the better it sets. As Downriver pointed out, this is really T shirt paint, which is meant to be heat set with an iron before it's washed, so it likes heat.
  13. You have skills, dude! What do you carve you lures out of?
  14. Great paint job! What colors did you use?
  15. mark poulson

    Latest Crawlers

    You're amazing!
  16. Dieter, It's a plastic jig rattle I put in cross wise, which I find rattles more when the lure moves side to side. The bondo you see on the underside of the head section is where I put the ballast. I had predrilled a hole in the second section for ballast, too, but didn't use it, so I tucked in a small piece of tissue paper, tamped it down smooth, put on a drop of crazy glue, and then bondo'd it shut, too. Thanks, Sapper. It took me a lot of trial and error, mostly error, before I arrived at this hinge design, and I'm happy with it now.
  17. Wild! Like I said before, you're a mad genius.
  18. I bought my syringes from the www.mudhole.com site that sells Flexcoat, and they haven't given me any problems. They are labeled Flexcoat 3cc syringes, specifically for mixing epoxy. Look under the rod building supplies. Switching to syringes has made my life sooooo much easier. No more worrying about the right mix, or mixing too much and wasting epoxy. Someone on this forum suggested using them, and I'll always be in his debt. Unfortunately, I can't remember who it was, but I owe him bigtime.
  19. If you're going to try the low pressure route, be sure and thin you paint. Nothing is more frustrating than a clogged tip in the middle of a line. Practice on a blank piece of paper, and then start your line off the lure, and move onto it and across with one motion. Thinned paint may require multiple passes, like with the transparent yellow I use for the stripes on my sexy shad lures.
  20. I switched to Nu Luster 55 with UV inhibitors to stop yellowing. Even over D2T, it doesn't yellow. But, if I use Krylon spray glitter before I topcoat, I do still get yellowing of the glittered areas. Weird. Too bad. The spray glitter is really handy. I'm thinking about spraying Krylon pastel fixative over the glitter, to see if that stops the yellowing, before I topcoat with the epoxy. If it doesn't work, I'm going back to mixing the glitter in Minwax Polyacrylic (thanks Nathan) and brushing it on, for my lures.
  21. Oops. Forgot to put in a description. .092 sst screw eyes and sst bicycle spokes, in PVC AZEK decking lure.
  22. Oops. Forgot to put in a description. .092 sst screw eyes and sst bicycle spokes, in PVC AZEK decking lure.
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