If you do taxidermy, you're probably already a better painter than 95% of the rest of us.
I really don't know anything about lacquer paints, but, as for top coats, the choices, to me, boil down to durability and weight.
Epoxy is the toughest, most durable, but it's also the heaviest. It will not react to lacquer or water based paints, so it's a good choice.
Urethane clear coats are lighter, but not as durable. I don't durablity is as critical as weight on a crank, but on jointed lures it is more important.
Again, since you're already an accomplished air brusher, you've just about got it licked.
Make some test lures, or paint up a couple of pieces of wood or PVC and then try out different top coats, and see which one does what you want.
One word of warning. If you're making wood lures, a good sealer is critical, or your paint job and top coat will be for naught.
Post a sealer question here, and there are guys who have all the answers.
Good luck, and welcome.