Would you recommend stencils too?
Seriously, I have a 1 rpm rotisserie motor on my wheel, which is a pair of 14" diameter plywood discs mounted on the rotisserie shaft, so the lures are suspended between the discs. The actual speed that the lures move is compounded by the distance they are from the center of the shaft (Vodkaman, help me out here).
I use Envirotex Lite, and, as long as I don't put too much on (which I learned the hard way), it doesn't sag while turning.
Again, the actual speed the lure is moving depends on where on the disc I mount it.
I have two concentric rings of eye bolts, 4 per ring, one ring has a 4" radius, and the other is a 6" radius. I divided each disk into eight pie shaped sections, and put the eye bolts on alternating sections, so no one lure is directly below the other, and I can coat them on the wheel.
In practice I've found coating inner lures when the outer ring is full of four lures is a pain, so I mostly use the outer ring. So much for my genius idea. But, in a pinch, it works.
And I've found no difference in the epoxy coats from either ring. But I do try to balance the load on the discs, to make life easier on the little motor.