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mark poulson

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Everything posted by mark poulson

  1. Great site! Thanks. The color charts are perfect.
  2. A question. If you don't like the color of the bill material, can't you just paint it and coat it when you coat the rest of your lure? I have a couple of lures with painted bills. They work.
  3. I Googled staminainc, and found them again. I've ordered stuff from them over the last few years, and, other than some things being out of stock, never had a problem.
  4. Bruce, Does that mean I shouldn't try to post pictures that way? It's the simplest way I know. I should have known there must be something wrong with it. I can't figure out how to get my photos from Photobucket to the TU website, either in the gallery or in a post.
  5. http://thumbp2.mail.mud.yahoo.com/tn? sid=2101622168&mid=ADHPjkQAAAD1R3vMtAGJmhNHiEc&partid=11&f=818&fid=Inbox I quit! I can't get it to enlarge (oops, did I just say that?)!
  6. C:Documents and SettingsMarkLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5LGOFP5OT Maybe this is bigger. Drat, foiled again!!
  7. Horray!! It worked. Sorry it's not bigger. This is my light trout 6" glider. Works like a champ.
  8. http://thumbp2.mail.mud.yahoo.com/tn?sid=2101622168&mid=ALDPjkQAAIO5R3fczARBKS6oEJE&partid=6&f=818&fid=Inbox
  9. I'm going to try and post a photo again. Wish me luck. http://us.f818.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId=306_24974586_14962_2355_2066581 Arrghhh!!!! Didn't work!
  10. Those frogs look like they'd be killer for LM bass.
  11. BobP, Would storing the DN in a squeeze bottle, so you're only dipping from an intermediate container like a shot glass, help in keeping the finish from setting in the storage container?
  12. Seal it before you do any testing! Bob P's right. Install the bill, eye tie, and hook hangers, and then seal the he!! out of it. After that, you can play with balast. Nothing will ruin all your hard work faster than water on an unsealed lure.
  13. I think heat setting the paint with a hair dryer, and then pulling the tape slowly toward itself will help. There's alway a chance for a pull away, but, if it's still connected to the lure, just lay it back in place with the back of a exacto knife blade, and coat it. The epoxy will hold it in place. I'm impatient, so I peel the tape after an hour, and then top coat with epoxy. Yesterday I coated some baits as soon as the eyes I painted were heat set, and had no problems.
  14. Or using your marble method to make convex epoxy eyes, out of the extra epoxy that's left over after you coat some lures. Once the epoxy sets, you can paint the back with the black dot, white overlay, and there you have it.
  15. Vman, How about painting the eyes on the lure, and then putting drop of epoxy on them one at a time, to give the epoxy time to set so it doesn't sag or distort. Then coat the whole lure.
  16. He was a famous nationl dance school owner in the '50s here in the States. I figured he must have designed any bridge that can get people moving in lock step!
  17. Vodkaman, The problem with the English bridges was the designer was Aurther Murray.
  18. Weird. I just tried to go to Stamina online, and my computer said the website could not be found.
  19. rlcam, Does the section lift in one piece, or does it open in the middle? Vodkaman, I am really impressed by the old structures that people made hundreds of years ago. They had figured out the engineering without the math and formulas, from trial and error and experience. I did some work on a windmill that some rich guy in Malibu had imported from Denmark. The whole thing was made out of wood. Amazing. He had converted it into a guest house, complete with a tin bathtub that was actually in the shape of a person, with a small end for the head, and a larger section for the body. I guess, when you had to carry the water up four floors, it made sense to keep the shape as efficient as possible. Kind of like lure building. Spike-A-Pike, What is a semidry?
  20. Thanks Pete. I've always been facinated by the different bridges I've seen over the years. Both the designs, and the engineering behind them. The idea of trusses, and how load is transfered, is something I use, but not every day, in wood framing. I'm always amazed at the engineering of opening bridges on rivers, whether they are draw bridges, or pivot bridges. The point load on the pivots or hinges is enourmous, and the cable/pulley systems, along with the winches that do the lifting, are just facinating. Someone posted pictures of a water wheel lock system that was built in Europe, to get boats down from one level to another. It is so cleverly balance that the muscle to move it is minimal. But the loads are enourmous. Clever people, for sure.
  21. Ah, so deska! Thank you Sensei. I'll run it past her, and, if it passes muster, I'll give it a try.
  22. Bruce, Your captain's chair is amazing! One thing. I don't see the TP? Or is this the ultimate paperless office?
  23. How can you post photos without Photobucket? My daughter, IT expert in my house, says I'll be buried in spam if I open an account with them. I've tried it through Microsoft paint but I couldn't get it to go, kind of like suspended fish.
  24. My photo wouldn't post. My daughter and I are still trying.
  25. This is one of my first gliders. I airbrushed it using Createx water based colors, and Envirotex Lite clearcoat.
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