First of all, welcome, and good luck.
If you use the search feature under the Activity drop down on the upper left of this page, you can find a ton of advice on painting. It's worth taking the time to read as much as you can.
Youtube had lots of air brushing videos that are helpful.
Buy some cheap blue nitril gloves for painting. I only use one, on my left hand, since I'm right handed. It makes painting and cleanup a lot easier and faster.
There are also Youtube videos on cleaning your air brush. Learn to do it, before you start painting, and make it a thing you do after each color. I keep a tupperware tub behind my paint station, so I can backflush easily between colors, and when I'm done for the day.
Nothing frustrates me more than an airbrush that won't shoot right because it's got old paint in it, clogging up the paint passages and nozzle.
And a dirty brush will take all the fun out of painting.
Buy some Createx Air Brush Restorer, and use it to clean your air brush thoroughly every month if you're painting a lot.
And never forget to clean the paint out of your air brush after you finish a session, or you'll be cursing yourself when you have to take it all apart and soak it overnight in the Restorer.
Don't ask me how I know this. Hahaha
Seriously, we've all done it, but try not to, because it's a pain the neck.
And if you do have a problem, don't hesitate to post your problem here. The people here are not judgmental, and love to help each other.