The nature of these shows has changed over the years.
It used to be there were tons of vendors with lots of products to sell, and even some outfits that had booths selling discount products and seconds. These shows were the only game in town, and people flocked to them to see the latest and greatest.
I looked forward to the Anglers Marine Bass-A-Thon in Anaheim, CA, every year, because I knew there'd be lots of new stuff, and pros to talk and give demonstrations.
But Anglers stopped having their show last year, for the first time in 20+ years. I know it was a labor of love for Rick Grover, the owner, so it had to stop making financial sense for him to stop doing it.
With computers and the internet, people can go online and find just about anything they need/want, and that has cut way down on the number of vendors at shows. No more little guys. If you aren't a big outfit, with an advertising budget. it's just too expensive for a little guy who is a niche builder.