I know what you mean about hard to deal with! Before I got the larger Knipe pliers, it was almost impossible to get a decent loop bend in that wire by hand.
I use the .051 wire for the pivot shaft on the whopper ploppers I make. The ones I buy from LPO are 12" long, with a loop on one end.
After I thread the shaft through the body and tail, and add a cup and a bead for pivots, I move down the wire a bit and form a loop with my large Knipe wire forming pliers, leaving some space between the loop and the last bead. Then I lock the loop in the padded jaws of my vise, grab the tag end with a pair of visegrips, and twist the wire back toward the pivot ball. Once I get it close enough, I cut the end off with a dremel and cutoff wheel. I found, by happy accident, that my poorly shaped loop, facing down, actually helped with keeping the body from rotating.