Forgive a lead pouring noobie question, but I have search the site and can't find the answers I need. I was given a Lee pot, half full of pure lead, and a Do-It 3 cavity Weedless Arky mold with 1/4,3/8, and 1/2 oz cavities.
I cleaned the mold face altered the hook eye spots to accept the round eye hooks I want to use, sprayed the mold faces with Dropout,, and install my hooks and my teflon weed guard pins (thank you Ted).
I heated my lead to 750 degrees f., and put the mold up to the spout. I poured the lead in until it topped out.
I am getting incomplete retainers at the bottom of the molds. The tops fill fine, the weed guard pins worked great, but I get varying amounts of lead down at the bottom
Any tips on what I'm doing wrong, or could do differently?