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Everything posted by snooterfish

  1. has anyone else had trouble using other flourscent paint as a second coat? my second color wants to bleed(if thats the right word) into the primary color. yellow (chart) is the primery color and i am trying to shoot blue(flor) as my second color, for scale effect and dark colored back line. i am using createx water based paints and i am shooting full strength. richard
  2. in your guys opnion, how long should i wait before adding the next coat of paint, should it be dry to the touch or look dry to the eye. i don't use(the wife's) a hair dryer yet. if i do add a coat too early is this a mistake futher down the road? Richard
  3. i have noticed that a lot of crankbaits have a dot on both sides that resembles an eye. do you think that this makes a difference in getting a bite ? Richard
  4. guys has anyone tried using the 2 part Epoxy sold by Stamina? on the lid of the bottle it says "C S Coatings", it also has a pic of a jighead on the lid, can it be used for crankbaits or jigs only?? Just learning............... Richard
  5. snooterfish

    My First Lures

    i want to say thanks to all you guys at TU. if it weren't for your help i couldn't have done it. i was doubtful at times, but it can be done, i have a long way to go but at least i am going in the right direction richard
  6. snooterfish

    My First Lures

    The colors are a bit strange but right now this is the colors that is hot on the lake I fish!
  7. i mix my colors and as said before i never keep track of how much of what i use, i just mix untill it looks good to me and then away i go. i have no trouble with the colors mixing. richard
  8. snooterfish

    Square Lip Balsa

    your lures, paint and epoxy finish look great!!!!!!!!!! if ya don't mind me asken, did you first paint the lure Chart, then the dark back and then the scales?? i am still learning and i am just astounded at some of you fellows at TU's work. the black spot??? is it paint??? richard
  9. hairjig i sure appreciate ya help. i will try sanding and primming then airbrush. i have been putting off getting a powder gun. richard
  10. I need help with painting a silver buddy other than powder coating? Any suggestions?
  11. snooterfish


    this is a great looking lure, did you do the foil work? if ya did it's awsome and the paint work is also # 1 !!!!!!!!! Richard
  12. thanks guys. the wife says that since the lure's cannot see the huge fish comming that it might not try and swim back to the boat extra fast as her lures sometimes do when she sees one comming after her lure. the sdadow box over the bench is a good idea Richard
  13. guys i cleared my first crankbaits and they turned out great. i showed them to the wife and she said she couldn't wait to fish with them. "i have never fished a blind crankbait" i forget to put my eyes on the lures, :huh:can i add the eyes and put another coat of clear? i know in rod building you can add another coat of epoxy, you can take a scoych brite pad and rough it before clearing again. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Richard
  14. cartrpill thats sounds simple enough to me, i have been having the same trouble. richard
  15. you guys have been a ton of help, now get my soda can, clean the bottem and "get-R -Done" snooterfish
  16. thanks guys, i am anxious to get them cleared. snooterfish
  17. i hadve read it on a post somewhere and now i cannot find it . i have searched and looked. what is the waiting (set) time before applying Devcon 2 to my lures, i am using Createx Water Based paints. Richard
  18. snooterfish

    db-2 type

    you do great work, i really admire this paint job and lure work Richard
  19. i am painting a lure with a Chart. bottom 3/4 and a dark purple which fades into a light purple/violet color that meets the Chart bottom, i already have the lure painted Chart. i am stuck on how to get the top, do i paint the dark purple back, then fade the violet into the Chart or ............. , then a violet or silver scale job ??? Guys i am new and i have done my share of re- doing and sanding, i am close on this one and would appreciate any help. this hobby is more addictive than smoking and i love it, last night i got out of bed with an idea at 2:00 AM. Richard
  20. if i were a fish i would just go ahead and jump in the boat/net, be afraid that that thing would kick my bass!!!!!!!!!!!! Great looken lure, does it catch fish?? Richard
  21. :)APB'S scale box is as easy and simple as can be. i just did my first scales last night (3-2-07) and they turned out great, not perfect, thats my fault. But it is really a simple method. i had to improvise on mine box, his looks a lot better than mine, i took a cardboard box, cut the flaps off,cut a hole for my hand to reach in with the lurefor painting, took the wife's clothes pin and fastned the scale fabric to the sides of the box and then i swipped a few can goods from the pantry for bottem weght. works like a charm. ""GREAT IDEA APB !!!!!!!!!!! Richard
  22. great look'en lure. what are the colors?? i haven't finished my first one yet, i stay busy sanding and re-doing, i am getting better with each attempt Richard
  23. at least you know what direction you are headed in, me i have about 40 crankbait bodies and another 30 or more to re do and i cannot get no paint !!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot mail, afraid of "freezing" i am about ready to go stir crazy!!!!!!!! the wife said build a few rods to pass the time. too many rods now and not enough reels to go with'em i am anxious to see some of the lures you finish, you do great work. i painted my first on last night and now it's a sanded body ready for another base coat. i guess asa you old timmersw say, re-do and practice!! Richard
  24. which type oy the Rapala DT's to you guys that fish a lot prefere. The regular DT's , the DT Flat or the DTS:huh: Richard
  25. Thanks guys, i appreciate the help. Richard
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