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About graphics1988

  • Birthday 06/12/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hey guys, i'm back.., i got in a car accident on the way home....aprox 4 weeks ago. 6 CARS passed away at the scene...all into the back end of my Ford F250. There is something to be said for big trucks!....yes!
  2. Hey PhilB, as far as know, if its on a disk correctly the output will be correct. We have a guy here in Toronto area who does most of the local sign shops routering., i've seen some of his "raw" routering, and it's definitely 3 dimentional., so you MAY have to dig a bit, next time i'm over there i will take a note on what equipment he has, and i'll post it then...it may not be until next month......later
  3. NOTE:, It mentions "Gerber" conversion, Gerber is a product/file that ALL SIGN COMPANIES USE,......so, using this info, anyone that is looking for this type of work to be done, think about calling some local sign shops., we have router tables that can do this kind of thing - and also be aware that IF you do your homework and put it on a disk, the cost will be very minor....we also use a product called "sign foam", it is an extremely hard tight/closed cell hard foam. I assume it would be amazing for your guys application., It is pricey, but also comes up to 4 or 5 inches thick!, 4 foot by 8 foot sheets are around $700 canadian., you'd get a ton of lures cut outta that!, just a thought!...later (I have owned a sign shop since college - 1988...so any more info you need pm me.)
  4. HEY, THANKS FOR THE INTEREST,but first i must figure out the software, i was on it today, it wasn't bad...i figure a week or so and i should be able to get through it, thanks
  5. I just found out that i have 100% access to a cnc machine and autocad., i guess i will be taking a course on that program too!
  6. thanks, i will check em out now,
  7. Hey guys, i am looking for some mold making companies, i see del-mart, and bobs....are their any others before i place an order?, both of these companies have some nice molds, just wondered who else sells em. Thanks
  8. hey thanks for the tips, i am from Oshawa area, I know Tubeman, met him at the fishing show in T.O. in toronto last weekend. GREAT guy!, real easy to talk to, i didn't realize he sold product, his stuff is AWESOME!, super soft and great colours too!, he has this stuff figured out!, maybe i'll call him and see if he wants to train me, maybe help him do some pouring for free with the learning being the trade off....hmmmmm, thanks later
  9. i too think it's a great idea. I want to get into this, but i am stuck on what i need for my first attempt. Obviously a mold, but i want super soft plastic, scent and colours, but what about do's and don'ts, etc., etc., a million questions i need answered, some of them i don't even know yet. thanks F'n'F!
  10. yet another canadian here, what happened did we all suddenly get inspired?...lol
  11. hey guys, I am interested in getting into this business in Canada, wondering who do i call, where do i go, how do you learn...etc., i am totally artsy and creative. Also a serious tourney angler, so the interest is high. I have some unique ideas that i want to experiment with, how do i design molds?, all i notice is aluminum molds, i also have use of some serious designing software, I want a very soft ,supple plastic, why is Pork not as popular as it once was?....any advice would be appreciated, expecially where/how to's in Canada. I am not sure if i can order this stuff and get it across the border. thanks gents!
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