I've painted a lot of paddle tail tube SB's with an airbrush. It doesn't take any special paint if your going to dip in clear after. I've used createx, but its rather expensive for soft plastics. The .99 cent craft paints work just fine if thinned right. The biggest challenge is the oils from the plastic. I've found if you let the baits set overnight and then wipe them off with alcohol the paint will stick a little better. After painting place them on wax paper while installing the eyes or the paint is going to stick and peel off.
I made a painting stand for the baits. It is nothing more than a piece of sheetrock. I pin the tail down on the edge of the sheet rock and I have pre-drilled holes so a finish nail will hold the bait up right while painting. If you need to lay the bait on its side to paint then use wax paper under it.
I use a standard 4 cup pyrex for dipping my baits. I leave the cup sitting on a pankcake griddle while I dip. I pin them by the tail from the edge of the table until they cool for a minute then drop them in water.
Its a lot of work for a plastic bait. I had a bunch of pictures in the gallery, I assume they are still there, take a look and if you have any other questions I will try to help ya out.